The Mission was on the telly recently, and I was reminded of its themes, literal and figurative.

For those who haven't seen it or don't remember, Morricone's score is sublime even for Morricone, and the film worth seeing for his contribution alone:

Contradictory and complex, the film is incredibly provocative, but underlying its religious themes (we understandably don't discuss such things here) is the concept of penance, or atonement.

This got me thinking about the treacherous quicksand of forgiveness, what it really means, and how rarely amends can be cleanly made, and forgiveness received, at least in the human realm.

I was recently approached by a deeply disturbed individual who has made a living Hell for most who know her for decades now, and she reached out, not for forgiveness, but reconnection.

As she was clearly unchanged in any way, I made her no reply, though if I possessed some magic to cure harm bringers, or at least bring them to an awareness of where they truly stand, and from where they might begin a journey back, I would.

Has anyone here ever made amends, or been the recipient thereof, or asked forgiveness, or been asked for it, in earnest, and with no motive other than moving forward in a positive and loving way?

It seems to me that we humans talk about forgiveness and remorse quite a bit, but we don't seem to understand the journey they truly represent.