In this space dear people, i wish to share what tv shows i have in my collection, which besides empty boasting, shall serve as a guide for me when i'm so zoned out that i need to see what i typed once upon a morning grey to remember what i have, and in some cases why, the first mention is pretty important, as it's a show my mom loved a lot, and mom is gone, the British Noir series Broadchurch, it's engrossing stuff, i can't help thinking of the Nordic Noir i had gotten into a few months ago, and how good they were, as i was watching Broadchurch it seemed pertinent to me to at some near future time to acquire more like it, shows where a tight knit community gets torn apart through a murder investigation, and to see it in so much more detail than a regular sized movie can offer, oh what dark pleasures and thrills i find in such things. I don't want to see things i'm familiar with in this category, but the kinds of things mom would have selected to enjoy if she were still around, not looking back so to speak but to experience a hypothetical present which is only highlighting a particular facet.