Chinese Zodiac Sign


What started as a bit of fun now has me reading everything I can find about "pig personality" just hoping to find something that doesn't sound like it was written specifically about me!

I cant 😶

So I read about the other animals personality.. because of course I will find stuff written there that will sound like me too? right?

Unfortunately no. They sound like other people.

Today I did a deeper dive because this is all BS right and I'll prove it.

I very much did not prove anything

I had to stop because it was frightening me.

I was born in a Year of the Cock.

In Chinese culture, the Rooster is known for its confidence, reliability, and hardworking nature. People born under this zodiac sign are often described as being extroverted and social, with a natural charm that draws others towards them.
Yeah, it's BS.

The Chinese are fiendishly superstitious.

For example, a girl might stop dating you if she finds out your sign is incompatible with hers.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Chinese zodiac signs deserve to be taken as seriously as the messages in fortune cookies

Sociable and Intelligent though.

Sounds very you - on here
You're very nice, and the first time I read the traits of the Rat sign (which are slightly different depending on where you read them, notably) I thought "okay yeah, sounds about right," but then I read a bunch of other signs and thought "okay yeah, sounds about right" to almost all of them.

I was born in a Year of the Cock.

Yeah, it's BS.

I have read about the Rooster previously. My biggest takeaway was love of money, making it, keeping distance with those who dont.

Possibly not you too but just saying.

Theres other things to take into account also but not trying to push belief onto anybody. I just think you done a speedy search not looking at many sources.

You're very nice, and the first time I read the traits of the Rat sign (which are slightly different depending on where you read them, notably) I thought "okay yeah, sounds about right," but then I read a bunch of other signs and thought "okay yeah, sounds about right" to almost all of them.

Fair enough. I did the same but could not relate to other signs. Maybe its pure coincidence.

And yeah, depending on where you look, its differing, even contradicting which is dumb as hell. I just went a bit nuts reading so much to find what of the traits was unmoving.

I was born in the year of the Tiger. I don't know much about the Chinese zodiac, but I used to cast and read horoscopes for my co-workers to pass the time. I have read a few celebrities horoscopes and they were weirdly accurate. Mine makes no sense to me. It is kind of all over the place. Maybe if you have a destiny, it sounds more specific. I was reading The Donald's and it kept using the word "noble." If you interpret that to mean that he is a member of the nobility, it makes sense. The way we were worship celebrity and that he has his own cult and is trying to become the first king of America kind of tracks.

You're very nice, and the first time I read the traits of the Rat sign (which are slightly different depending on where you read them, notably) I thought "okay yeah, sounds about right," but then I read a bunch of other signs and thought "okay yeah, sounds about right" to almost all of them.

You are Yoda.

I was born in the year of the Tiger. I don't know much about the Chinese zodiac, but I used to cast and read horoscopes for my co-workers to pass the time. I have read a few celebrities horoscopes and they were weirdly accurate. Mine makes no sense to me. It is kind of all over the place. Maybe if you have a destiny, it sounds more specific. I was reading The Donald's and it kept using the word "noble." If you interpret that to mean that he is a member of the nobility, it makes sense. The way we were worship celebrity and that he has his own cult and is trying to become the first king of America kind of tracks.

What you said about destiny was very interesting to me.

Like we can interpret our signs if life had not ****ed us in certain ways and changed our own destiny