A scary thing happened on the way to the Movie Forums - Horrorcrammers


Thank you! That is exactly the information that I needed. I can't be having Fun Halloween Movie Night and show people a bummer.
Just throwing out there that the recent Oddity would make for a great group viewing, IMO.

but like we did one a few years ago where it turned out that what appeared to be a ghost story had no ghost at all it was actually Alzheimer's.

Victim of The Night
Just throwing out there that the recent Oddity would make for a great group viewing, IMO.

Heh. Yup, you got it.

And I keep toying with the idea of Oddity. I'm unsure. But maybe.

Just throwing out there that the recent Oddity would make for a great group viewing, IMO.

Oddity is a perfect movie for that kinda night. Just rewatched it with my wife to kickstart our October horrorthon. It was her first time and she loved it. I think it’s even better than Caveat.

Also, loved Relic. A lot. And I think it deserves a rewatch in proper context because I do think it’s also 100% horror. Just not a fun, group watch horror.

Now THE Relic…

Thank you! That is exactly the information that I needed. I can't be having Fun Halloween Movie Night and show people a bummer.

Yeah, people already answered, but it's closer to Lynch, and it makes sense for it to get the genre tag of horror, but it's the third or fourth genre on that list of genres. It's not one I would particularly recommend for spooky season, unless you're doing a massive multi-movie binge (at a minimum of 6 movies) and are okay mixing in something more horror-adjacent (which, from what you've said in the past and now, I don't think it's your type of October-fare).

Still currently sitting as my favorite movie of the year though.

I'm the only person I've encountered that did not care for Oddity after the cold-open.
When that happens to me, I usually give it a rewatch with adjusted expectations before I solidify my contrarian stance.

For a moment I was hoping you meant The Barbarians.

I saw this recently when a friend and I decided to make our way through a bunch of the 80's Barbarian films. It sure wasn't a good film but it was still pretty entertaining, the two leads have a sort of lunkheaded charm for a decent portion of the film until they start to just make random animal noises at everything.

Under Paris. An ocean conservation group grapple with a giant shark…under Paris. It’s mostly forgettable aside from a few clever and visually interesting set pieces like the ocean full of plastic at the beginning. And I appreciated that the characters were mostly trying to get the shark back to open waters safely and that everyone was doing what they thought was right. It made for better motivations when people were putting themselves in danger or willingly engaging with the predatory beast.

Salem’s Lot. While the King book is great I don’t really like the 1979 adaptation. This new one that just released today is big, it’s broad, it’s campy, it feels like a TV movie from the ‘90s. But don’t underestimate it, this movie has a lot of nifty tricks up its sleeve. I kinda loved it. Mark Petrie MVP!

Willy's Wonderland -

Life is like a Nicolas Cage performance as much as it's like a box of chocolates: you never know what you're gonna get. You probably didn't expect him to be an energy drink addict, a pinball wizard, a gearhead and nonverbal when you chose to watch this, did you? Whether you did or not, Cage is just who he needs to be in this silly and bloody curiosity. Does his choice to make the janitor never speak lead to awkward moments, even for him? Sure, but since our Five Nights at Freddy's adjacent/knockoffs/what have you denizens' home is in the title and not his, it makes sense in its own way. While none of the villains are exactly original creations, they are distinctive, have unique abilities, and most importantly, each one made me laugh. In other words, if I had to boil this movie down to four words, it would be Demons meets Mortal Kombat. The claustrophobia in the former is a reason why it's a favorite and it's a main draw here as well. It's also nice to see Beth Grant, who plays a not so honest police officer, especially since she's at her funniest. Emoi's driving soundtrack is also killer and helps to keep things moving at just the right pace.

Even though our hero does not say anything, I don't think it's wrong to complain about this movie not having much quotable dialogue. Only Beth Grant's cop is allowed a few zingers. It would have been a lot cooler if the writer granted the janitor's teenage allies some memorable lines as well, not to mention more personality. Despite these drawbacks, the movie practically reeks of Halloween - well, that and rotting pizza - and it's an ideal choice to kick off a horror marathon or movie portion of a Halloween party. If that's all you are looking for, it will check your boxes, but don't expect it to do more than that.

Deschain, you're right. This is the most wonderful time of the year!

Except...I'm vacationing in Orlando next week. I'm excited about it, but I feel bad that I won't get to see as much horror this month. Priorities, huh?

Deschain, you're right. This is the most wonderful time of the year!

Except...I'm vacationing in Orlando next week. I'm excited about it, but I feel bad I won't get to see as much horror this month. Priorities, huh?
Unacceptable, unless you're spending the entire week at the Haunted Mansion.
Captain's Log
My Collection

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer

I will not tolerate any The Relic hate up in here. Don't make me summon zombie Sizemore.
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

I will not tolerate any The Relic hate up in here. Don't make me summon zombie Sizemore.
I meant to imply it would be a fun horror to watch with a group.

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
I meant to imply it would be a fun horror to watch with a group.

Unacceptable, unless you're spending the entire week at the Haunted Mansion.
Haha, I was actually going to float that idea as penance. We'll definitely ride it because it's the best one there!

Last time we rode it, the ride got stuck, so we were sitting still in the blacklit darkness for ten minutes. It was awesome.

I will forever remember The Relic as the first* R-rated horror movie I didn't turn away from at all, the one where I kind of just grew up and went "hey, it's just a movie."

*Does not include a partial (I think) viewing of The Omen at a friend's house where I assured my friend's dad my parents would be totally fine with it, for which fate punished me with nightmares.

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
I will forever remember The Relic as the first* R-rated horror movie I didn't turn away from at all, the one where I kind of just grew up and went "hey, it's just a movie."

One of my more favorite monster movies, although it's so dark. And not dark like material-wise... dark like the lighting guy forgot to show up for most of the shoot.

Tom Sizemore was great, though.

One of my more favorite monster movies, although it's so dark. And not dark like material-wise... dark like the lighting guy forgot to show up for most of the shoot.

Tom Sizemore was great, though.
Hyams is his own cinematographer and prefers darker, contrasting imagery. I do think the current DI for home release is exacerbating the issue and am hopeful that a 4K release with a new HDR grade would fix it.

Has anyone seen the 3 RL Stine Fear Street movies, I thought they were pretty good, can't wait for the next part that comes out sometime next year
I liked the one where they were at camp the most. Gave off Jason vibes.

The Nightmare marathon is on AMC all day and for whatever reason they have them on backwards. At least they're getting the worst ones out of the way first (here's looking at you, Dream Child).
Last Movie Watched: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024).
Last TV Show Watched: MARVEL's Echo (S1:E3).

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
Hyams is his own cinematographer and prefers darker, contrasting imagery. I do think the current DI for home release is exacerbating the issue and am hopeful that a 4K release with a new HDR grade would fix it.

I tend to think they shot it that way just to help hide the CGI.

It works, though