Best new sequel


Registered User
Which one of these sequels do you think will be better?

Welcome, SK! The poll function on this forum is quite good; I haven't seen its like yet.
Pigsnie, Vicar of Fries!

This poll function is nothing compared to what you'll see in the upgrade, actually. Glad you like it. I voted for "Men In Black 2", by the way. I heard the script was good, and I've got a good feeling about it.

JP3? Are you kidding? You guys think it'll be good? Maybe if aliens invade Earth to find out why we have dinos again and accidentally speed up their reprodutive processes. Earth is over run by dinos and space aliens at the same time. Or maybe just overrun by dinos. Leave the aliens out. People could try and fight them off with guns and armies and stuff. But there's too many and there's an abundant food supply... humans! Flying dinos could snatch up peoples heads and toss 'em down like popcorn, and giant squids could put the squeeze on nuclear subs. People would be forced to flee to the artic regions where the tropical dinos don't like it. Eventually the dinos would win. Wow, that would be cool.

If anyone makes this into a movie can I have a kissing scene with Amelia Warner? Or $100,000 for my mini screen play? Or both? Thanks. What do you care? My movie will make $100 million easy.