15th Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
What gratuitous physical stuff? The hand job scene (where we see nothing but Tommy's face)? The couple of butt shots, neither of which were actually sexual? The scene where Tommy and Hedwig make out while fully clothed? I rewatched it last night as well and I didn't see anything I would call even remotely gratuitous.

Also this movie would not work if it were PG.
Yeah all of that.

How is any of that gratuitous?

The movie is all about Hedwig finding her true self. For most people, sex and romance are a huge part of their identity. Probably moreso for the people in the LGBT community because it's also how others identify them.

Neutering the film and stripping it of that content would destroy it completely. I don't think the problem here lies with the film, which is actually rather tame in terms of sexual content, but rather with your own prudishness.

Trouble with a capital "T"
How is any of that gratuitous?

The movie is all about Hedwig finding her true self. For most people, sex and romance are a huge part of their identity. Probably moreso for the people in the LGBT community because it's also how others identify them.

Neutering the film and stripping it of that content would destroy it completely. I don't think the problem here lies with the film, which is actually rather tame in terms of sexual content, but rather with your own prudishness.
Did you not read my review? I heaped a lot of praise on the movie. I said it was unique, clever and inspired. I didn't condemn it.....I only spoke of my own personal taste, I don't enjoy seeing guys going at it in a movie, I won't fake it and pretend I do either. So in the end it's a well made movie, but not something I personally enjoyed.

I don't enjoy seeing guys going at it.
Non sexual nudity and kissing qualify as "going at it"? Okay. Would you say the same if the relationships were heterosexual? Were you bothered by the scene where Hedwig and Yitzak spoon under the sheets?

I think its pretty normal for hetero male to be turned off by male on male intimacy.
I consider myself heterosexual but male-male stuff doesn't bother me at all. I am no expert but I wonder if being grossed out by it is a societal thing. I also wonder if younger generations are becoming more open-minded about this stuff. Again just speculation.

I think its pretty normal for hetero male to be turned off by male on male intimacy.
I'm not objecting to a "hetero male being turned off by male on male intimacy." I'm objecting to the use of the word gratuitous, which is defined by Oxford dictionary as something that is "uncalled for." Those scenes - which, again, are pretty tame - are justified within the context of the movie.

As a mostly heterosexual woman, I don't generally care for scenes of women being intimate with each other, but I wouldn't call sex scenes, kissing, or nudity in a movie about lesbians "gratuitous."

And, yes, I'm well aware that Yitzak is played by a woman.

I'm turned off by graphic male on male sex but i didn't think there was any in Hedwig, personally. And that's one of the reasons i held off watching it for so long, withstood all sorts of abuse

To be fair to Citizen though he seems to have a general problem with sex and nudity in films. I've seen him complain about plenty of hetero sex and nudity, it's just something he doesn't like from what i've gathered. Citizen is a big classic movie fan he's into things being done a certain way.

Camo - Speaking of abuse and graphic male on male sex, are you ever going to finish reading the book?

And yes, I agree that Citizen's problem seems to be more rooted in sexual content in general, which is why I said he was prudish rather than homophobic. It was him that brought up the issue with "guys going at it" specifically.

I'm turned off by graphic male on male sex but i didn't think there was any in Hedwig, personally. And that's one of the reasons i held off watching it for so long, withstood all sorts of abuse

To be fair to Citizen though he seems to have a general problem with sex and nudity in films. I've seen him complain about plenty of hetero sex and nudity, it's just something he doesn't like from what i've gathered. Citizen is a big classic movie fan he's into things being done a certain way.
I think everyone is a little different when it comes to sexuality.

Didn't know that about Citizen. I haven't seen Hedwig so I can't comment on what's in it. Definitely didn't want to criticize anyone.

Camo - Speaking of abuse and graphic male on male sex, are you ever going to finish reading the book?
I'm on page 2

And yes, I agree that Citizen's problem seems to be more rooted in sexual content in general, which is why I said he was prudish rather than homophobic. It was him that brought up the issue with "guys going at it" specifically.
Fair enough missed the "guys going at it" thing. Citizen may be prudish i dunno but one thing you can't say about him is that he isn't open-minded. He joins practically every one of these HoF's and as a result has been exposed to a tonne of graphic stuff that he really doesn't like, and he has even enjoyed a few of them. I respect that coz i know it's easy to never give stuff that bothers you a chance, i do that with musicals.

I think everyone is a little different when it comes to sexuality.

Didn't know that about Citizen. I haven't seen Hedwig so I can't comment on what's in it. Definitely didn't want to criticize anyone.
I didn't even see your post til now. I don't get grossed out by homosexual sex but it's not something i can enjoy since i'm straight and too much of it can result in a negative reaction from me, not negative as in there shouldn't be that much gay sex but negative as in this is clearly not for me.

I didn't even see your post til now. I don't get grossed out by homosexual sex but it's not something i can enjoy since i'm straight and too much of it can result in a negative reaction from me, not negative as in there shouldn't be that much gay sex but negative as in this is clearly not for me.
Yeah, definitely a distinction between being grossed out and having it just not be for you. I've noticed with male-male stuff in movies I focus more on the characters and emotions they're feeling, and how the sexual aspect fits into the narrative, rather than just watching it purely as a sexual thing.

Yeah, definitely a distinction between being grossed out and having it just not be for you. I've noticed with male-male stuff in movies I focus more on the characters and emotions they're feeling, and how the sexual aspect fits into the narrative, rather than just watching it purely as a sexual thing.
Sure, it depends on how the sex is used. I wasn't bothered by anything in Call Me By Your Name if you read my review i actually said one of my favourite things about the film was how sexual the characters were, they didn't shy away from that aspect of their relationship as much as gay/bi drama's (that i've seen at least) often do.

I think its pretty normal for hetero male to be turned off by male on male intimacy.
I consider myself heterosexual but male-male stuff doesn't bother me at all. I am no expert but I wonder if being grossed out by it is a societal thing. I also wonder if younger generations are becoming more open-minded about this stuff. Again just speculation.
From my own experience as a kid experimenting, which was basically "settling" for a partner on hand lol, i can say for me, i knew this wasnt it. As bodies minds grew older, i became very aware of my preference and what im attracted to and how the male form engaged in intimacy is a turn off ESPECIALLY from an emotional place. Now one could argue that a woman can act salty and vulgar and alpha and still be feminine but thats just another opinion. Call me classical but i havent been brainwashed and my mind isnt closed regardless of consistent assumptions that it probably is.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Fun fact...hedwigs bearded boyfriend is really a girl...hahaha!

Oh, youj knew that?
I didn't know that, OMG totally fooled me. I hadn't read a thing about the movie before watching it. I thought that was a real guy, good beard!

You know in Orlando I didn't know the Queen was played by a man either.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Out of the Blue (Dennis Hopper, 1980)

I liked it! I've not seen anything else like this that I recall. So this was definitely a hidden gem. It felt like some of the personal, independent films that were made in the early to mid 1970s. Not surprising then, as it was Dennis Hopper who directed Easy Rider. I thought Out of the Blue came close to being an urban-docudrama underground classic.

There's a lot to like here as the film delves into the psyche of a disturbed teenage girl...and the wreck of a life that she's left with after her boozing, irresponsible father slams into a school bus killing the kids on board. Sure she's a weird kid! Which in itself was fascinating and the actress that plays her, Linda Manz commands attention. Just the look of weathered pain on her face, and her aggressive nature tells us she's the walking wounded. I thought she was excellent in the role. She's also really good in The Wanderers (1979) and in Terrence Malick's Days of Heaven (1978). I could have watched her strange life and the odd places she went for hours, it felt real to me.

Dennis Hooper was well suited to his role as the drunken, lout dad. The troubled floozy of a mom was played to trashy perfection by Sharon Farell. These are some messed up people! but their lives felt real, so real you could almost smell the Jack Daniels and the stale smoke on their clothes.

The sub plot about the angry father wanting to settle the score for the death of his son on the school bus, put an even deeper spin on things. And I wish they would have staid more on that theme. Because even though he was out of jail after serving 5 years, he could never be free of what he did. It would always eat at him... and with the anger the parents would feel towards him, his inability to keep a job and his own grief...that would have tore him apart. So I think it was mistake not letting that grief drive the rest of the film to it's climax.

I do think the director took the film down a notch by including the seedy sex scenes situations (nothing is really shown). They weren't really needed and seemed to be more for titillation. The first one where CeBe goes to a taxi drivers room to smoke a joint and there's a girlfriend? or was it a prostitute? also in the room who's there to make it with Cebe? Ahhh...That was all a bit to unbelievable. It seemed like throwing in the proverbial car chase for good measure. Then in the end when Dad wants mom to have sex with her daughter? Even though nothing happens it felt like a carnival ride or exploitative film, when the rest of the movie was pushing urban art legend.

But still I thought highly of it AND it was a neat nomination as it's not well known.

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The Elephant Man

Another really good movie in this Hall of Fame that I don't quite love. I watched it once about 4 years ago and feel pretty much the same after this time. I would say it affected me emotionally a little bit more the last time, although it wasn't that big of an impact anyway. I'm not sure why it doesn't affect me much in that way. I don't have any issues with the movie at all. The acting is good across the board and the sets and sound exceptional. The surreal element is small for a David Lynch movie, and I like that aspect even though I'm not normally a fan of surrealism. I think if I were to change anything, I'd make John a more bitter and angry person instead of so decent. I feel like that could have given the movie more of an edge. This is another one of those respect more than like instances, but I also quite like this movie. I'd rank it as my 4th favorite from director Lynch behind The Straight Story, Blue Velvet, and Mulholland Drive.