Welcome to Hell (a.k.a. MoFo Survivor)


Hey, that wasn't a very cool way to announce the winner after all that time we played. Where was the suspense?! Where was the BUILDUP ?


I voted for you! Yes, I voted for you! I voted for you and now you've won! Ha! (to LordSlaytan, who didn't get my vote because I was cast off thanks to him )

Congratulations Tim!

Revenge of Mr M's Avatar
Get off my island
Couldn't be bothered, it got messed up in the end anyway

Congrats r3port3r66
Mr M Rides Again

MoFo Survivor - r3port3r66 wins!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Revenge of Mr M
Couldn't be bothered, it got messed up in the end anyway
Only in your Bette Davis eyes.

Congrats Tim-mae!
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Put me in your pocket...
Congratulations Tim! Let Mama Bear give you a Big Ol' bear hug.

Maybe we should all have a big group hug.....

Hurry up and reply Tim, I wanna award some rep points for your sound victory!

My life isn't written very well.
How does one reply to victory, especially one that is shrouded in controversy--I guess only the winner should be happy huh?

I tried to play an honest game, and I think for the most part the game was played by everyone with honest intentions. So why does it feel like someone else should have won? I don't know. Perhaps it was because of Aniko's winning an entire challenge for the DeNiro tribe by herself. Or maybe it was Brian's great score on one of the games. Maybe Austruck should have won--she did do alot for the Deniro tribe--really! Further, who knows who did what for the Pacino tribe, only to be voted off early in the game!

But since I am the winner here, I should say thank you for your votes. Thank you Jason--Minion--MATTY!--and whoever else voted for me during the last challenge. Thank you Mr. M. for not flaking out, and thank you Chris for engineering a website where we all feel like comrades.

I'm not sure I deserve the honor of being the first MoFo Survivor, but I can say that it feels good to be among people who feel I deserve the merit. Cheers all!

I'm glad we're friends. I'm glad we met.

I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?


Sorry you didn't win LordyLord still it was close.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Originally Posted by r3port3r66
How does one reply to victory, especially one that is shrouded in controversy--I guess only the winner should be happy huh?
You make it shrouded in controversy. Everyone's just been playing a game - and we played it until the end. To feel upset over this "controversy" is about the same as me feeling upset for being voted off.

I tried to play an honest game, and I think for the most part the game was played by everyone with honest intentions. So why does it feel like someone else should have won? I don't know. Perhaps it was because of Aniko's winning an entire challenge for the DeNiro tribe by herself.
Which is why you and LordSlaytan were going to give the game to Aniko. Let's face it, that's the so-called controversy, let's spill it out! And that's why you feel like someone else should have won - because you wanted Aniko to. Well, she didn't. She could have, though - but she quit the game, adding more drama and more "controversy". It's just a game. Let's move on. So I didn't keep your plans a secret - I was playing the game. I WANTED TO WIN NO MATTER WHAT. My plan was to get in the final three, win immunity, and possibly not take Aniko because I knew you and Bri wanted her to win. It's all MY fault. So there. That's your controversy. I admit it. It's ALL MY FAULT. My biggest mistake was telling Matt because Matt couldn't keep his virtual mouth shut, thus he spoiled my plans. I was payed back through karma, I guess. I brought a little havoc to the MoFo Survivor game, and that's partly why you're the winner. Controversy solved.

Or maybe it was Brian's great score on one of the games. Maybe Austruck should have won--she did do alot for the Deniro tribe--really! Further, who knows who did what for the Pacino tribe, only to be voted off early in the game!
Yes, very much so indeed.

I'm not sure I deserve the honor of being the first MoFo Survivor, but I can say that it feels good to be among people who feel I deserve the merit. Cheers all!
I've watched these reality shows long enough to know that the end result usually has nothing to do with honor! I knew that MoFo Survivor wasn't going to be any different from the beginning. Usually the winners make it to the end by chance - only a small percentage of the people who've worked hard make it to the end. It's usually the people who've stayed under the radar, or the most hated person who wins the game. That was part of my own strategy - and it worked because I made it to the final four. I stayed under the radar, but when I told Matt the latest plans, and he revealed them all, I was so doomed. So, obviously, my lesson for the MoFo Survivor 2 people is - DON'T SAY ANYTHING TO ANYBODY!!! Let the universe work everything out for you and all will be good. Let it be.

I'm thrilled that everything was kept in the spirit of the real "Survivor". Lots of us have been stabbed in the back. I find it theraputic, really. Ahhhh. Can't you just feel the therapy? I know I can. It's like butter.

The End!

Actually, it's my fault. I opened my big mouth to you and that was what started it. You're my friend. I wanted to make sure that my voting for you wan't taken personaly, that I had other motives instead. If I had just stuck to the plan with Tim, then it might have worked. Getting mad at Silver, then blaming you, was unfair. Just another time where I lose my temper and dignity. Sorry friend, for blaming you. You didn't deserve it. You were just playing the game like I was. I lied and back-stabbed more than once. It's really the only way to get far in Survivor.

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Actually, it's my fault.

Nothing Jason and I said or did in the last week of this game was inspired by dislike or malice. We just kept playing the game is all. We were the jury. It was our job.

Meanwhile, what the Hell are we supposed to do with our lives now?

MoFo Idol?

Originally Posted by The Silver Bullet
Nothing Jason and I said or did in the last week of this game was inspired by dislike or malice. We just kept playing the game is all. We were the jury. It was our job.

Meanwhile, what the Hell are we supposed to do with our lives now?

MoFo Idol?
Who wants to marry a MoFo.

why not start over with different judges?
The wold is full of kings and queens
Who blind our eyes and steal our dreams
it's heaven and hell