Star Wars: Episode 7?!!


Did you...happen to read that article? It clearly says it isn't happening.
Yep, I did and read about them not going to make one after all - but since he said "He would have his mind open to ideas", that means he might have something stored in plan.

A system of cells interlinked
I am thinking at this point, they will be focusing on all this Clone Wars stuff that is due to come out. I had also heard about a live action series in the works, but those rumors sort of fell off.

Alas, with Lucas, one never knows just how low he will sink. If he attempts to get more films going, I am certainly not going to see them. I just can;t think of a story left in the film series that is worth telling. Since Zahn already wrote about all the events after Return of the Jedi, I feel like they would have to adapt one of the stories, which were good, but are old hat at this point.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I don't think Star Wars Episode 7 will ever happen. And if it does, I won't see it. It has dies out for me. Sure I love the original trilogy A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi. And I saw episodes 1-3. They were a fine addition. The cartoon spin-off The Clone Wars though is kinda sweet. But another movie? Pffft! No.

I think Lucas needs to open his mind and imagination and think of something else to give to the public. A new and original type picture. If that's even possible for him nowadays.

I think we'll see more movies, but I think it will be years from now, with new people behind them. For better or worse.

...uh the post is up there...