Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

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Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Rawkus, I like your comments, but much of the original trilogy was shot on studio sets. All the huge indoor set-pieces in all those films are obviously not on location. But, I realize you mean that it has a lot more Blue Screen and CGI, and I agree with that. I definitely rank this at fourth place, but I still recommend it, and even if was a bit underwhelming (compared to the other three), I think it'll probably end up being one of the films that most viewers feel give them their money's worth. Harrison Ford does really bring a lot to the film by just being completely in character, even when he's making fun of himself.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
One word can describe this picture. Terrific. It's been a while since I myself seen Henry "Indiana" Jones on the big screen, and seeing KOTCS brought back memories. I enjoyed it immensely. I loved it how the previous films were tied together, and that Mary Ravenwood (Karen Allen) returned. Having Indy age without doing anything to him to make him look younger was smart. It made it look realistic.

I specifically was enticed by the story. The sci-fi level of the whole thing made it more interesting. KOTCS is to me a great addition to Indy series. Even though Harrison Ford has aged, he still has got what it takes. Although, with Shia Labeouf doing the next one, Ford will probably only be the sidekick - at the least. (If that gets even made).

As for Shia's character Mutt Williams, he played it with style and perfection. He's got great acting chops and fighting skills. If by any chance there is another film - The Adventures of Mutt Jones (jk) - I think he mght win us over. But that won't be for quite a long time. If that does even happen.

And no.....nobodys face melts in this one.

Rating -

I was blown away , it definitely lived up to the original trilogy.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (1 view)

Plot : An older Indiana Jones embarks upon another quest - his competition now being Russians of the Cold War era.

Story : Unlike many fans of the series , I just recently (right when I reviewed them here) saw the trilogy and loved each film. Though I felt Raiders was the weakest of the three , each one was complete with their desert , jungle , and usually dark temple settings. I felt this fourth installment goes by more similarly to Raiders than any other though , with secrets and mysteries being unraveled throughout the whole movie - but then it has the action appeal of Temple of Doom and Last Crusade : in between the dark temple discoveries.

Harrison Ford is too perfect for this role , as he has aged so has his character - though it really hasn't stopped Jones from doing his usual amazing tricks. Shia LaBeouf plays the younger partner of Jones with such energy : he easily becomes one of the most memorable characters of the whole series. The film constantly hints toward LaBeouf as being the new upcoming archaeologist. Karen Allen also returns as Marion and works just as well as Ford in her role - which brings a lot more back from the older films.

Visuals : Right off the bat the cinematography is outstanding. Though it has some reminisces of the older films , it goes above and beyond what they could ever do. Tons of amazing long shots , backed up by such amazing CGI - is such an amazing sight. The trademark action scenes the series is known for , return with even more intensity than before. Comparing this to the previous entries , it's safe to say this is the most beautiful of all of them and it owes a lot to it's incredibly realistic CGI.

Synopsis : Another amazing chapter of the Indiana Jones series and it just might be the best of the four.


Well...where to start?

WARNING: "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" spoilers below
First off, I liked the opening sequence, kinda' threw me off with the Roswell reference. To be honest, up to the third act, the movie seemed pretty Okay, although once they reach the Mayan temple, the events that transpire remind me of Close encounters.

For the most part, I liked it, it just seemed very different than other Indie movies, which is probably what they were going for.

...uh the post is up there...

I still haven't seen all of the original trilogy yet and it looks like I'll be saving those for a rainy day.

But I did see Kingdom of the Crystal Skull on Friday... fun movie. It felt remarkably classic and timeless - could have passed for a movie made twenty years ago, I think. But by the end of the movie, I kept wondering when Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones were gonna pop out. Scenes involving Indy and Mutt discussing the crystal skulls and such once they arrived in Peru were a little boring and I almost dozed off. Karen Allen and Cate Blanchett shined in their roles. Loved certain images in the film involving Indy just looking at amazing things that were before his eyes.

Grade: B

Welcome to the human race...
I still haven't seen all of the original trilogy yet and it looks like I'll be saving those for a rainy day.
You did the same thing that you did to the Die Hard movies - watched the fourth one first.

Can't help but think you're a little deprived
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I am Jack's sense of overused quote
You people are all out of your minds. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull is the worst travesty this side of the Phantom Menace.

WARNING: "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" spoilers below
You do realize that he survived a nuclear explosion? And fell down three waterfalls? And a branch held an aquatic transport?

And Harrison Ford lost what little acting ability he had? And that the plot was lousy? And the acting was ham fisted? And that every single shot was a "hey, remember how Indiana Jones wears a hat?" And that it was nothing but a string of far fetched action sequences one after the other after the other after the other?

George Lucas - killing his own franchises since 1999

ADMIN EDIT: Use. Spoiler. Tags.
"What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present." - T.S. Eliot

You did the same thing that you did to the Die Hard movies - watched the fourth one first.

Can't help but think you're a little deprived
Action movies used to never be my thing! Only recently have I become interested in action films, and I thank this recent crop of 1980's actions films resurrected for a final showdown. I did the same thing with the Rocky series after Rocky Balboa came out - I own all of those now and I'm even collecting Rocky action figures.

I haven't seen the new Rambo yet, though. Instead I bought First Blood. So, at least I began with the original in that series, though I haven't seen the other sequels.

Welcome to the human race...
You people are all out of your minds. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull is the worst travesty this side of the Phantom Menace.
WARNING: "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" spoilers below
You do realize that he survived a nuclear explosion? And fell down three waterfalls? And a branch held an aquatic transport?
And Harrison Ford lost what little acting ability he had? And that the plot was lousy? And the acting was ham fisted? And that every single shot was a "hey, remember how Indiana Jones wears a hat?" And that it was nothing but a string of far fetched action sequences one after the other after the other after the other?

George Lucas - killing his own franchises since 1999
We know. But we liked it anyway.

Gohansrage in response to your spoilers - that's basicly how it has worked the entire series.

WARNING: "Indiana Jones" spoilers below
- Indiana Jones and friends jump out of a falling airplane and then inflate a raft in mid-air : get on top of it , and land safely

- Indiana Jones is dragging along the back of a truck and manages to climb into the drivers seat

- Indiana Jones and his dad are tied to chair and are sitting ducks to get shot , but the nazis miss somehow

For me it's brings a lot of atmosphere into the movies , a more cartoon theme , where crazy things/stunts are always expected. If you want to watch all the movies and say "no way is that possible" , and not like them because of it - I wouldn't say it's a specific problem of Crystal Skull.

Extremely well put, meatwad. I'd heard rumors about the over-the-top direction Kingdom of the Crystal Skull might take, and was pretty bummed out about them...until I went and re-watched the original films. They're pretty ridiculous at times.

Granted, Crystal Skull is the most ridiculous of the four, and the original trilogy managed to maintain a more realistic tone for some inexplicable reason, but the actual events have always been outrageous. I think a lot of people are forgetting that. Don't compare Crystal Skull to your memory of the first films; compare them to the actual films, if you have it compare it at all.

In the Beginning...
YES! I love a good argument!

I wouldn't say this is the best of the four by any means, but I rather think it fits into the Indiana Jones franchise exactly the way it's supposed to. Sure, we'd all like it to be the long-lost film that was finished in 1990 but somehow never released. But it's not. It's the 2008 "last romp" release that's more a celebration of Indiana Jones than a crown jewel masterpiece. At least Spielberg and company didn't presume to think that the original films could be bested by this new one. It's impossible. Two decades of fan love that makes those movies what they are cannot, by any means, be broken.

In response to gohansrage, with the exception of...

WARNING: "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystall Skull" spoilers below
Indy surviving a nuclear explosion

...which I will address later...

...YES, there are a few tremendously unbelievable events in the film. There are even a few laughable ones. But I actually agree with meatwad in that a certain degree of unbelievability isn't foreign to the magic of Indiana Jones; and anyway... it's easier for me to stomach because I feel like the magic is still there. If Ford had seemed old and tired, and we'd have had flying saucers leveling everything in sight, for example, I would have felt that the magic was dead. But come on, this is still classic Indiana Jones. Perhaps a little inflated, but classic nonetheless.

Now, with regard to the above spoiler, I have to say that as unbelievable and over-the-top as it is, I can still stomach it when I remember that Spielberg made some attempt to reflect the flavor and mythos of the 1950s throughout the film (greasers, spies vs. spies, Communist paranoia, Russians, aliens, and of course, nuclear weapons testing). There's even a faint inkling of the "nuclear" (lol) 1950s family aspect, if you watch carefully. I would argue that Spielberg captured similar "reflections" of the 1940s (Nazis, impending war, the Renaissance of archaeology, increased European obsession with the exotic, Indian oppression, etc.) in the previous films. So once again, in my view this new film is the most logical progression of the Indy films. Perfect? Not at all. It could have been better. But it was still, I think, on exactly the right path.

I really loved this film for the majority. Some of the action went a little too far into the unbelievable area of action only reserved for Die Hard. The one thing that ruined it for me is at how silly the ending of the film was. Glad to see they have left it open for Shia LeBeouf to take over the mantle from Harrison Ford.

You people are all out of your minds. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull is the worst travesty this side of the Phantom Menace.
No it isn't. But you do go a long way to make my point that I was throwing out in the shout box the other day. I bet you're the kind of person that watches a movie set in outer space and then sits there and picks apart how unrealistic it is, don't ya?

Granted, Crystal Skull is the most ridiculous of the four, and the original trilogy managed to maintain a more realistic tone for some inexplicable reason, but the actual events have always been outrageous. I think a lot of people are forgetting that. Don't compare Crystal Skull to your memory of the first films; compare them to the actual films, if you have it compare it at all.
Well I don't agree that this fourth installment is any more ridiculous than the first three, I do agree with you on the tone and that I'm sure is due in large part to all the CGI. CGI is here to stay folks and you all might as well get used to it. I really like what you said there in that last sentence Yods, I hope more people are able to read that and do it as well.

Personally, I found the movie quite entertaining and I would agree with earlier comments about it being better than I expected as well. I liked the story too, I happen to believe in all that stuff so I thought it was pretty interesting.

WARNING: "Indy 4" spoilers below
And when I say stuff, of course I'm talking about the alien storyline. I thinks it's pretty laughable that some of you out there actually get bent out of shape because this story is so "unrealistic" because you know, "There ain't no such thing as space aliens!"

And yet in the very first film Indy finds "The Ark of The Covenant", but that's so much more believable because you know... that's totally real dude. Pfffft I says.

Anyway, a fine conclusion or continuation or whatever this is. I love movies like this so if they make ten more then... *ahem* WOOT!
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I am Jack's sense of overused quote
No it isn't. But you do go a long way to make my point that I was throwing out in the shout box the other day. I bet you're the kind of person that watches a movie set in outer space and then sits there and picks apart how unrealistic it is, don't ya?
Refusing to accept the idea that Indiana Jones has gone from unrealistically lucky to unrealistically invulnerable is hardly the same as "picking apart how unrealistic it is." I do not believe that asking for SOMEWHAT reasonable physics is too much to ask.

WARNING: "Indy 4" spoilers below
And when I say stuff, of course I'm talking about the alien storyline. I thinks it's pretty laughable that some of you out there actually get bent out of shape because this story is so "unrealistic" because you know, "There ain't no such thing as space aliens!"

And yet in the very first film Indy finds "The Ark of The Covenant", but that's so much more believable because you know... that's totally real dude. Pfffft I says.

WARNING: "indy 4" spoilers below

The believability of the aliens is not my concern. My concern is the sharp dive aliens take from the Indy I knew and loved. My concern is with the random appearance of the aliens, and the sheer idiocy of them being inter-dimensional.

Now, with regard to the above spoiler, I have to say that as unbelievable and over-the-top as it is, I can still stomach it when I remember that Spielberg made some attempt to reflect the flavor and mythos of the 1950s throughout the film (greasers, spies vs. spies, Communist paranoia, Russians, aliens, and of course, nuclear weapons testing). There's even a faint inkling of the "nuclear" (lol) 1950s family aspect, if you watch carefully. I would argue that Spielberg captured similar "reflections" of the 1940s (Nazis, impending war, the Renaissance of archaeology, increased European obsession with the exotic, Indian oppression, etc.) in the previous films
These attempts were annoyingly half assed. What was the scene with the greasers fighting the jocks? What was the point? Funny is fine, but it has to believably fit into the plot.

And again, beyond the ridiculousness factor, there were problems. Every shot was a sample to the trailer. The action scenes were cluttered and confused with little exposition. The CGI took out any authenticity and charm the film had.

And one other thing I cannot, and will not understand, is how everyone keeps telling me the film had the same spirit as the original trilogy. Harrison Ford, admittedly a bad actor, got famous on his charm of which he displayed none.

I am leading a crusade to change the subtitle from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull to The Quest for More Money.

Welcome to the human race...
These attempts were annoyingly half assed. What was the scene with the greasers fighting the jocks? What was the point? Funny is fine, but it has to believably fit into the plot.
The fight actually was explained...

WARNING: "Indy 4" spoilers below
Indy and Mutt needed to provide a diversion so as to escape from the Russian spies who were after them, so they started a massive fight to keep the Russians busy.

And again, beyond the ridiculousness factor, there were problems. Every shot was a sample to the trailer. The action scenes were cluttered and confused with little exposition. The CGI took out any authenticity and charm the film had.
That's a matter of opinion. I didn't think they were that hard to explain. Most of them were chases, were they not? And many of those revolved around escaping or perhaps getting the skull? That's not so hard to follow, is it?

And one other thing I cannot, and will not understand, is how everyone keeps telling me the film had the same spirit as the original trilogy. Harrison Ford, admittedly a bad actor, got famous on his charm of which he displayed none.
Once again, this is just your opinion. Ford's playing Indy just the way he should be - as a heavily flawed human being not so very different from most ordinary people. That's the basic reason he's won over so many moviegoers over the years. He shouldn't have to exude "charm" in a blatantly obvious manner for every frame that he's on screen. That would ruin it. Besides, if his performance in Crystal Skull does not display any charm, would you care to explain in which movies that he does?

I am leading a crusade to change the subtitle from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull to The Quest for More Money.
That strikes me as being even more unrealistic than all four movies put together.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Saw the film last night....will have my review up sometime tomorrow.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
One thing I will say, and I hope Yoda doesn't neg rep me for this, is that the fact that inter-dimensional beings are even discussed in Indy is a good thing to me. Any scientist who yearns for the idea that non-Earthlings had something to do with our lives and evolution and helped to explain many of the unexplainable things here on our present world (Pyramids, Chichen Itza, Easter Island, Stonehenge, etc.), would greet the concept of interdimensionality (which would even include passing through a wormhole) prior to the seemingly-get-you-nowhere-concept of space flight because space flight takes too long and kills you no matter how much the theory of relativity works to your advantage. Of course, the concept of God covers interdimensionality too.