i admit i have never read this book and i don't really have much interest to, but honestly what annoys me is people's hatred for it being so popular. i think anything that gets more kids to read more is definitely a good thing. i know Harry Potter attracted a LOT of people, even some who probably never finished a book in their life. which is a good thing. some kids are too easily distracted with the Internet, and iPods to actually bother with books these days, and that depresses me. hell, i'm just happy that books like this exist because they got those kids who probably would have never taken an interest in reading if a series like this never existed. i mean, it's not the best quality of reading material but you can't expect most kids to cuddle up with Wuthering Heights or Catcher in the Rye.
my younger sister for example, who is fifteen, is the least scholastic person in America, and she loooooves this Twilight series. she reads the books every day or something, and i think she realizes now how great reading can be, because since then she's taken an interest in reading other things too, and even writing a little. it made me feel really proud of her.