The Sh*t List!
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Same as here then... now knowing there are young drivers on the board I'll save my rantings for the pub...
Another high quality post by Fez Wizardo
Another high quality post by Fez Wizardo
Originally posted by OG-
I don't f'ing get it. So then I had to pass him and ended up flying through a redlight which made me feel like an *******. F that big pickup truck. F it hard.
F'ing physics test put me in a bad mood. F physics too!!
I don't f'ing get it. So then I had to pass him and ended up flying through a redlight which made me feel like an *******. F that big pickup truck. F it hard.
F'ing physics test put me in a bad mood. F physics too!!

Originally posted by mecurdius
I hateit when you go to see LOTR and people come out and say, that had no ending, what the hell?
I hateit when you go to see LOTR and people come out and say, that had no ending, what the hell?
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson
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Oh, and I really hate the DMV. I think Ive been blacklisted by those bastards. I'm a really good driver, yet I cannot LEGALLY drive thanks to them. Some guy got into an accident with my father, ripped the front bumper OFF his car, and tried to drive away, and this butt munch still has a licence. I have NEVER been in an accident, yet I can't get a stinking drivers licence! It royally sucks.
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I could almost hear the bleeps in Peter's post. 
I'm square with the world after this morning. There really isn't anyone or anything I have hatred towards right now.

I'm square with the world after this morning. There really isn't anyone or anything I have hatred towards right now.

"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg
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16 for a license in MI.
About the earlier topic... You have never experienced true horror until you have been in a men's bathroom... the airports restrooms seem to be much worse... They are hell, normal bathrooms are just in heck.
About the earlier topic... You have never experienced true horror until you have been in a men's bathroom... the airports restrooms seem to be much worse... They are hell, normal bathrooms are just in heck.
Originally posted by TWTCommish
16 for your permit...17 for your license.
16 for your permit...17 for your license.
Moving on, my makeout factor on dates has gone down severely. However, I don't mind so much.
What sucks is getting into arguments about movies with people who can't defend themselves. I'm sure TWT feels the same way about politics when he argues them with me (or a lot of other people). I hate doing that. I argue with Marky every day about something or the other, and after a certain point, he just refuses to address anything I say.
**** the Lakers!
**** the Lakers!
Well, it doesn't happen often, but yeah, I know what you mean. Either they say nothing, they tell you they don't want to argue, aren't interested, etc...or they tell jokes or spit out nonsense or something. Argh...why do that AFTER you've got the person all fired up?!

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Surely if someone doesn't want to argue that's a good thing? I am at times, as with all people, looking at things from the wrong perspective, I might then get into a discussion, the other person may make a very valid point or add a new angle which I had not previously thought of and I might think hmmm I agree. To which the other person will still want to argue.
Or even better, some people just don't know when to stop arguing and even though they may be wrong I might tend to silence myself in an attempt to restrain from knocking them out.
but for the main point:
Here it's 15 for permit, 16 for license. THIS HAS TO BE A JOKE!!!! How can you put a 15 year old on the road? If it's a male he's still going to be in the mad masturbation phase in which case i've never heard of safe one handed driving. I mean ffs they want to put the age limit up to 21 here because that's when folks calm down on the road and being a young driver once I COMPLETELY AGREE... But to be driving at such a young age when it's so likely for you to have accidents due to your, lets just say, "Changing Circumstances" is truly a pisstake.
Or even better, some people just don't know when to stop arguing and even though they may be wrong I might tend to silence myself in an attempt to restrain from knocking them out.
but for the main point:
Here it's 15 for permit, 16 for license. THIS HAS TO BE A JOKE!!!! How can you put a 15 year old on the road? If it's a male he's still going to be in the mad masturbation phase in which case i've never heard of safe one handed driving. I mean ffs they want to put the age limit up to 21 here because that's when folks calm down on the road and being a young driver once I COMPLETELY AGREE... But to be driving at such a young age when it's so likely for you to have accidents due to your, lets just say, "Changing Circumstances" is truly a pisstake.
Age really has nothing to do with it. I mean, well yeah it does, but it doesn't mean that a 15 or 16 year old can't be as mature as a person that is say 20 or 21.
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a 15 or 16 year old is unlikely to be anywhere near as careful as a 21 year old.
You don't tend to have the experience in life, the maturity, the confidence, or the value of human life or money for that matter. It's unlikely you would even know let alone understand the risks involved in driving.
As always there are anomolies, but this is common known fact, which is why younger people have incredibly high insurance rates which suddenly drop as soon as you hit the "twenty-one" age mark.
You don't tend to have the experience in life, the maturity, the confidence, or the value of human life or money for that matter. It's unlikely you would even know let alone understand the risks involved in driving.
As always there are anomolies, but this is common known fact, which is why younger people have incredibly high insurance rates which suddenly drop as soon as you hit the "twenty-one" age mark.
Well, I think that some that are the age of 20 or 21 act more immature than a 15 or 16 year old. Trust me, I've seen this proven. 
As far as knowing the value of life and all of that, they don't know anything about that. Some can drive well at an early age. I know I could.

As far as knowing the value of life and all of that, they don't know anything about that. Some can drive well at an early age. I know I could.
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I'm not doubting you
but there is a lot of irresponsible driving and it's predominantly the younger ones...
I also agree that some people on the roads are completely insane no matter what age they are... but it's more likely if you work for your car, if you pay for your insurance, if you want your no claims bonus to stand because you can't afford to continually spend on the car as you have other responsibilites then you're going to take more care.
The older you are the more likely it is that you understand the implications. I know when I was younger I was a very confident driver, but totally disregarded speed signs thinking, hah! what do they know I can see the road ahead of me, I know where the brakes are in case of emergency etc. etc.
Now I'm more calm, in comparison, less of the old teenage pubic rebellion, and more of the "I want to get to my destination with the least possible hassle" attitude. Maybe it's because when I was younger, driving was fun and now its a chore. Who knows.
( Now I know my point on speed signs would be more valid if something tragic happened and it proved that those speed signs were there for a reason... but errr there isnt. )

but there is a lot of irresponsible driving and it's predominantly the younger ones...
I also agree that some people on the roads are completely insane no matter what age they are... but it's more likely if you work for your car, if you pay for your insurance, if you want your no claims bonus to stand because you can't afford to continually spend on the car as you have other responsibilites then you're going to take more care.
The older you are the more likely it is that you understand the implications. I know when I was younger I was a very confident driver, but totally disregarded speed signs thinking, hah! what do they know I can see the road ahead of me, I know where the brakes are in case of emergency etc. etc.
Now I'm more calm, in comparison, less of the old teenage pubic rebellion, and more of the "I want to get to my destination with the least possible hassle" attitude. Maybe it's because when I was younger, driving was fun and now its a chore. Who knows.
( Now I know my point on speed signs would be more valid if something tragic happened and it proved that those speed signs were there for a reason... but errr there isnt. )
I still ignore speed signs sometimes, but not as badly as I used to.
I see where you're coming from and I agree. All I am saying is that even though a 15 or 16 year old might not know all of the rules of the road and other things going on, they can still drive responsibly. In fact, I've found that a teen right out of driver's ed, if they're a smart one, will stick with the ol "10 and 2" rule. Some don't, and those usually wind up in accidents more than those that stuck with what they learned. A smart kid can be responsible, but if they try showing off their driving "skills" that's when they become irresponsible.
Anyways, that's all I have to say about that. No doubt there are kids out there that aren't all that bright and giving them a liscense is like giving them a loaded gun.
I see where you're coming from and I agree. All I am saying is that even though a 15 or 16 year old might not know all of the rules of the road and other things going on, they can still drive responsibly. In fact, I've found that a teen right out of driver's ed, if they're a smart one, will stick with the ol "10 and 2" rule. Some don't, and those usually wind up in accidents more than those that stuck with what they learned. A smart kid can be responsible, but if they try showing off their driving "skills" that's when they become irresponsible.
Anyways, that's all I have to say about that. No doubt there are kids out there that aren't all that bright and giving them a liscense is like giving them a loaded gun.
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Originally posted by Fez Wizardo
a 15 or 16 year old is unlikely to be anywhere near as careful as a 21 year old.
a 15 or 16 year old is unlikely to be anywhere near as careful as a 21 year old.
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Dude, Fez is completely right: he said "unlikely," not "impossible." And he's damn right. The older you are, the more mature you tend to be. Exceptions are just that for a reason. Age is NOT just a number. Technically it's just a number, but reasonably it can tell you a lot about a person. No, it is not flawless, and definitive decisions should not be made over it unless absolutely necessary, but Fez wasn't making any such sweeping statement.