Tatty's 2017 Game of the Year Awards. Of the year!


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I should be able to rep p5 style more than once.

*fires off pm to Steve*

The People's Republic of Clogher
Best Story

Runner-up: NieR Automata

A couple of points:

1. The twists and turns of Automata's multiple storylines are nowhere near (nier?) as revelatory as people are making out. Even a basic, teenager's knowledge of classic sci-fi will have you nodding along and predicting how things will turn out.

B) This doesn't really matter. Even though I can't stand one of the central characters, the story told is done with such gusto that I forgive it everything.

Winner: Yakuza 0

Imagine, dear reader, if Hideo Kojima had a sense of humour. If his bombast was replaced with seemingly endless amounts of quirky, sincere little moments and character development reminiscent of a big budget soap opera (not a slur!).

You'd be half way to Yakuza 0.

The Yakuza games were always story-rich but they called on so many characters and events from previous games that it became mightily confusing if you hadn't played every iteration extensively. Being a prequel, Yakuza 0 adroitly swerves this complaint.

Now is probably the best time to get into Yakuza - 0 and Kiwami (a remake of Yakuza 1 in the 0 engine) have been released on PS4 this year, with the promise of a Yakuza 2 remake coming in 2018. 3, 4 and 5 are perfectly playable if you've got a PS3 and Yakuza 6 is nearing release on the new console.

That's a lot of Yakuza.


"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan