i personally found this arguments too hard too swallow
I see where you're coming from. It basically depends on what turns a given pedophile on. Most of the time, I think, it's not just the prepubescent body, but also the knowledge that the person is underaged. When it comes to women I'm generally into rather curvy bodies, but when I saw her. *.* And her body's like a little girl's. But it doesn't make me a pedo. :P
actually the term of pedo is just for person with disorder not for the crime
Rightly noted. A poor, tormented person at that. I imagine there are some pedophiles that never hurt anybody and never even watched pedo pr0n their entire lives, but had to cope with their sexuality the entire time, too. That's horrifying.
just posting about it has me shaking
Scratch my ballsack and twist my nipples, this is the most f*cked up thing I've heard today. It's like the screenplay for
Srpski Film sequel. I think I'm a little bit less faint-hearted than you, so it didn't really impress me that much, and the fact something like this took place? Well, humans are the most f*cked up animals in the world. Nobody's going to surprise me anymore.