I hate Israel so much


I think that instead of attacking those "Israeli pigs" to use your own words, if you had attacked "German Nazi Pigs," then people would have supported your argument. I think this shows a double standard with respect to genocide. But this is just my personal opinion.

Reality is Stranger than Fiction: http://www.rense.com/

Oh, by the way, one thing to keep in mind is that not all Israeli's are the same, or at least this is my current undertanding. There are several parties there: Sharone's Zionist party and then there are moderate parties and liberal parties. It's mostly Sharone's party that supports genocide, but there are many Israeli's who oppose this policy and support equal rights for all humans regardless of ethnic background. I often watch that Satellite channel called "Free Speech TV" which shows many Israeli/Jewish groups protesting Zionism and Sharone and supporting all of humanity. Some leading Israeli-Americans are people like Noam Chomsky: http://www.chomsky.info/ who say Zionism is bad and that Arabs all other ethnic groups should be treated the same and equal. So, my point is that, in my opinion, you should not dislike all Israelis, but only those ones that support genocide.


Hello Spiderman.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Hello Spiderman.
I was thinking the same thing

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Hello Spiderman.
Excuse me?

Originally Posted by Johann Bach
Excuse me?

If you are not Spiderman, you are operating from the exact same area and made a beeline for this thread the minute you signed on…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Originally Posted by Johann Bach
Excuse me?
Originally Posted by SPIDEI2_MAN__
'My mind is full of stars....'

Originally Posted by Caitlyn
If you are not Spiderman, you are operating from the exact same area and made a beeline for this thread the minute you signed on…
Sorry, I'm not spiderman.

What do you mean by beeline? I never heard that terminology before. thanks.

Originally Posted by Johann Bach
Sorry, I'm not spiderman.

What do you mean by beeline? I never heard that terminology before. thanks.
Okey, I just looked it up on an online dictionary:

Main Entry: 1bee·line
Pronunciation: -"lIn
Function: noun
Etymology: from the belief that nectar-laden bees return to their hives in a direct line
: a straight direct course

Okey, I can see the confusion. Actually, I just discovered this forum while searching Yahoo for some interesting forums, so I signed up. I honestly have nothing to do with this "spiderman." This thread seemed interesting to me, Spiderman was attacking all Israeli's and I thought that was unfair, esp. since I am half Jewish. So, I posted here first. I hope you understand.


Originally Posted by Caitlyn
If you are not Spiderman, you are operating from the exact same area and made a beeline for this thread the minute you signed on…
His proxy is the same?

Im going to chime in here, since this in in my area of expertise, kinda.

I have a fairly unpopular view of the Israel/Palistine situation, in that I basically believe Israel is in the right 99%. Although I do not always agree with their methods, I can not say anything is out of bounds when the intentions of the muslim world have been made plainly obvious for the last 50 years, and the media saturation of pro-muslim propaganda has made the world oblivious to facts....

Fact 1: The main antagonist/protagonist (depending on your views) of the whole conflict in the early days was the Mufti Husseini. Arafat was a general in his army, and in turn the Mufti was a nazi criminal who was hellbent on the destruction of all the jews in the middle east. How can Israel even pretend to negotiate with a man who as recently as a couple years ago said he was proud to be in his army?

Fact 2: Everyone always places so much emphasis on the palistinian refugee problem. The fact is, jewish citizens of middle eastern countries have gone through just as many hardships, and have migrated to Israel in similar numbers as the palistinians. The only difference? Israel accepts jewish refugees from other countries, whereas middle eastern countries do not accept palistinian refugees. Jordan is the only country who has even a half humane policy towards palistinians, yet their policy is less than perfect. In many cases, middle eastern countries who take in palistinian refugees force them to live in camps and blockade any sort of building supplies or food from getting through. Why would anybody do this? Well this brings me to point #3.

Fact 3: In a galaxy far far away, the jews signed a dhimmitude with their muslim conquerors, sparing their lives but giving up any sort of freedom. Some of the rules of the dhimmitude -- they had to put devils on their doors, could never accuse an arab in court, could never form their own country.... oh wait... they did... see what I am getting at?

Fact 4: Before Israel formed their own country, jews were migrating to Israel en masse. Did palistine mind? F*** no! They invited the jews, or should I say the Mufti (from fact 1) welcomed the jews, but only if they paid exorbanant prices for land. That same Mufti, who all the palistinians are so fond of, tortured and executed anyone in palistine who would do the same, try to make profit from selling land to the jews.

Fact 5: They have tried to wage many wars against Israel in the past. There was no problem with jews going into Israel and displacing Palistinians before the created their own nation, it was once they formed their own nation and violated the dhimmitude that all this started taking place. Some of the more interesting slogans and quotes from arab leaders back then: "Palistine is our land and the Jews are our dogs" or when the leaders of many arab nations defied the UN and stated something to the effect of -- Many people wonder who the progressors are in this war, it is us and we are going to destroy Israel (I forget the exact quote but it is 100x worst, and represented a time when fanatics didnt hide behind cowardly acts and displayed outright their antisemetism)

There is a lot of history in this issue, and I will agree that Israel has done some horrible stuff in the past. I cant disregard the reasons for the palistinians struggle though.

Not that the palistinians are to blame though, they are victims as much as the jews are, it is the corrupt leaders of other arab nations who are using them as pawns in an antisemetic war against israel.
Just back from my Alaskan cruise.
Highlights - art auctions at amazing prices, got my Divine Comedy original edition for the cost of the frame. All you can eat steak, lobster, shrimp, ribs... hmmmmm
Low points - Seen it all before not living too far from Alaska

Although I promised Yoda I wouldn't make any new names and stuff, I just had to this time. Just to point out to you that, LordSlaytan, once again you're wrong. I'm not Johnny basch. It just goes to show you what type of people are on this forum, ones who accuse others blindly. So I'm Spiderman and I just thought I'd step in and let you know you're wrongly accusing someone who didn't do anything. Johnny, you might not hear from me again I'm sure they are going to ban this name but, where in New Orleans are u?

And just so you know, just because I am banned it doesn't mean I am not reading the forum anymore. I still enjoy reading waht people have to say, although I do have to say its sad that I can't reply back. So anyways, what I wanted to say is I don't appreciate people bashing me for no reason and treating me like I have commited murder or something. So I made a bad post, big deal get over it I already got banned for it..no need to beat the dead horse.

Originally Posted by The Real Spider
Although I promised Yoda I wouldn't make any new names and stuff, I just had to this time. Just to point out to you that, LordSlaytan, once again you're wrong. I'm not Johnny basch. It just goes to show you what type of people are on this forum, ones who accuse others blindly. So I'm Spiderman and I just thought I'd step in and let you know you're wrongly accusing someone who didn't do anything. Johnny, you might not hear from me again I'm sure they are going to ban this name but, where in New Orleans are u?
Im still trying to figure out what you are trying to say... Was the whole point of that post to prove you are a moron?

Originally Posted by The Real Spider
Although I promised Yoda I wouldn't make any new names and stuff, I just had to this time. Just to point out to you that, LordSlaytan, once again you're wrong. I'm not Johnny basch. It just goes to show you what type of people are on this forum, ones who accuse others blindly. So I'm Spiderman and I just thought I'd step in and let you know you're wrongly accusing someone who didn't do anything. Johnny, you might not hear from me again I'm sure they are going to ban this name but, where in New Orleans are u?
Blah, blah, blah...Gimee a break.

Bach joins today and posts in your ****ty thread, then gets accused for being you since he posted in your ****ty thread and also lives in your city, then you suddenly reappear to defend him while living in the same city...on the same day! Then you assume we're all so fu**ing stupid as not to figure it all out.

Jesus Christ, get a friggin' life, you loser.

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Blah, blah, blah...Gimee a break, loser.

Jesus Christ, get a friggin' life.

Yoda, these are the "nice and mature" people you were talking about? Look, I didn't even insult him and look at how he lashes out. Slaytan, I only posted here so you would stop accusing johnny of being someone he isn't. Thats all.