whats the worst comic book hero to be made into a film


Eating you Since 1984
Spiderman = A
Spiderman 2 = A+
All Batman Movies = C (agree)
Superman = B- (agree)
Superman 2 = C+ (agree)
Superman 3 = D (agree)
Superman IV = D (agree)
X Men = A
X Men 2 = A-
Punisher 1989 = C+
Punisher 2004 = B- (Was not that bad to me, but nothing great) (i agree)
The Hulk = C-
Daredevil = C (was clearly worse than the Hulk_
Howard the Duck = C+ (agree)
Blade Movies = B
Spawn = C (agree)
Dick Tracy = B (agree)
Akira = A+ (agree)
Fantastic Four = D
Captain America = D- (agree)
Catwoman = C (agree)

comic books you forgot

HellBoy = C+
Bulletproof Monk = F!!

A system of cells interlinked
I will also tarnish his name...Howard gets my vote as well....
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

I only had two Howard the Duck comics in my collection, and they really were not that great. Sure it was original, but that is not the only igredient needed to make a good comic. I am not sure why it was ever made into a movie, there were clearly better choices at the time. I will say that Lea Thompson and Howard made a real steamy couple though.
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“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

as a kid i loved Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles but i havent seen it in a long time.
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

She's Was Mine! Mine! MINE!
the turtles rule but why o why did they ever make a second and a third should have stoped at the one.

hmmm would flash gordon count as a comic hero because that film is class i love that movie
You Can Not Kill What You Did Not Create

She's Was Mine! Mine! MINE!
ok people i think i have found a movie to top all of them i mean i think its got to be worse than howard the duck

you ready for it

NICK FURY : Agent of sheild

the thing that was good staring david haselhoff wouldhave to be knightrider why didnt he just retire after that but no he makes s**t movies cant sing and when you want to watch tasty women on baywatch you have to see him half naked NNNNNNNOOOO

Registered User
C'mon! They were all great! Never seen that Duck one or the Punisher, but the rest were great. Hope they make sequals to all of of them. And if they have already, they need more...
We are the future, the 21st. century dyslexic, glue sniffing, cybersluts with homicidal minds and handguns... we are the same.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
I'd say Howard the Duck, Richie Rich and Popeye were the worst ones I can remember.

And let's not confuse the Fantastic Four movie mentioned with the upcomming FF movie now in production.
Though I haven't seen it, from what I've read they rushed that one and never planned to release it because they were under contract to make it and wanted to clear their obligations so they could start a better one with someone else.

Also, why has no one mentioned the old Spider-man and Captain America movies from way back?
These were terrible.
And Nick Fury...
Haven't seen it, but I've heard some amazingly bad things about it.
Fear the Probe!

I havent seen it but I've been told that an absolute peak of bad film-making is the Hong Kong adaptation of Akira Toriyama's Dragonball.

It should almost go without saying that just about any adaptation of a Seiyu type manga, ie Ultraman, Kamen Rider and the countless imitations thereof is going to be nigh on unwatchable. Shotaro Ishinomori's name should never grace the creator-credits of another movie or television show.

My personal favorite bad-comic-movie-hero adaptation is Fist of the Northstar. I mean, the hero punches people and their heads explode. What's not to like?

"It's and epic assault -- on the senses."

The Satchel Snatcher's on the loose
I don't know which one was worse, The Hulk a couple summers ago, or last years Daredevil. Both were just a shade under completely horrible.
Why are you wearing that silly mansuit??

the worst comic book hero movie ever made was HellBoy, i hated that movie to death.
If You Kill Me, I Will Come Back From The Dead And Dropkick You In The Head!

what about the Invisible Girl of the Fantastic 4?
They never made a movie about the invisible girl have they?

Also, why has no one mentioned the old Spider-man and Captain America movies from way back?
These were terrible.
They were indeed terrible yet I have somehow always enjoyed watching them, even today in my all grown up body.

My personal favorite bad-comic-movie-hero adaptation is Fist of the Northstar.
Never heard of that one. When was it made?

I don't know which one was worse, The Hulk a couple summers ago, or last years Daredevil. Both were just a shade under completely horrible.
I enjoyed both...except the ending in The Hulk.

the worst comic book hero movie ever made was HellBoy, i hated that movie to death.
That movie was definitely crap. I wasn't a fan of the comic going into it but if I was, I'm sure I would hate it that much more.

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
"They never made a movie about the invisible girl have they?"
it's just u couldn't see her, hehe.
well then call me an expert of bad taste, i did like Hellboy and Hulk too. less so DD, is it cuz he's been one of my fave heroes since childhood? and they chose Elektra and to make her "die" (even if she doesn't for real), which wasn't moving like it was in the comic, since most of the audience wouldn't know her and have time to care. plus DD had had a loooong story with Bullseye, and in the movie it doesn't show. how can u show 20 years or more in less than 2 hours? i don't have a solution, but they could just stop trying to put as much as they can into the movie and make it all lose its meaning.

R.I.P. Dimebag Darrell Abbott 66-04
Originally Posted by totalacid1
the turtles rule but why o why did they ever make a second and a third should have stoped at the one.

Cmon! You know you loved the Ninja Rap!

She's Was Mine! Mine! MINE!
Originally Posted by undead_bunny
Cmon! You know you loved the Ninja Rap!
who doesnt how did it go

leonardo,michaelanglo and donatelo make up the team with one other fellow rathial hes the leader of the group transformed to the ages with the nucleur goup pizzas the food thats sure to please these ninjas are into pepperoni and cheese.
now back to story its not hard to find these ninjas start fighting for body over mind .........

i do know more but hey what can i say i had a miss led childhood lolits strange the things you remember lol


She's Was Mine! Mine! MINE!
p.s i cant spell so those who want to say you spelt it wrong i know but the spelling isnt important in this case


R.I.P. Dimebag Darrell Abbott 66-04
Originally Posted by totalacid1
who doesnt how did it go

leonardo,michaelanglo and donatelo make up the team with one other fellow rathial hes the leader of the group transformed to the ages with the nucleur goup pizzas the food thats sure to please these ninjas are into pepperoni and cheese.
now back to story its not hard to find these ninjas start fighting for body over mind .........

i do know more but hey what can i say i had a miss led childhood lolits strange the things you remember lol

Yo, it's the green machine
Gonna rock the town without bein seen
Have you ever seen a turtle get downnnnnnn
Slammin jammin to the new sound
Hey every body ummm I can't rember
Ninja ninja rap
Ninja ninja rap
Go go go go
go ninja
go ninja

That's all I can rember of the Ninja Rap. I have the II Turtles movie on VHS somewhere...

She's Was Mine! Mine! MINE!
i have the first movie on dvd wont buy any of the others

sry my song was to the film the one that goes

t u r t l e power etc etc etc


R.I.P. Dimebag Darrell Abbott 66-04
Originally Posted by totalacid1
i have the first movie on dvd wont buy any of the others

sry my song was to the film the one that goes

t u r t l e power etc etc etc

I would go into the whole theme song but I think my geekieness level has gone too far here.