DAY 168: February 17th, 2009.
Punch Drunk Love
The thing that P.T.A films tend to have in common is that they are all overly long. I always mention how he could trim a few minutes here and there and still attain the same picture.
Magnolia cracks in at 3 hours for crying out loud. Then comes
Punch Drunk Love, the so called loner of his film resume. Okay, so I came up with that one myself, but I think it fits. This film has the same feel as any other P.T.A film, yet it still feels different. Hence a part of the family, but the loner of the group. It's funny how this one film of his is his shortest and yet I wanted it to be longer. That is irony.
Punch Drunk Love doesn't have any real plot, it's just about this weird guy who desires attention, among other weird things he wants/does. Smashing a family members glass windows? Okay, whatever helps you buddy. He gets messed up in some phone sex scam and falls in love with his sisters friend around the same time. These new things challenge him to step out of his comfort zone and do something that takes courage. There is no going from point A to B here, in my opinion, just things that happen to this guy and how he happens to react to them.
The lead character is played by Adam Sandler, in his first of a few semi serious roles. There is still a bit of comedy in his performance, and in the role itself. Running into a glass window is a gag you'll usually find in low-brow comedies (The Whole 9 Yards, even though I like that film) so seeing stuff like that seems out of place here. The subtle use of colour to draw attention to things was very well done. They even point this out numerous times in the film. (Why are you wearing that suit?)
This is my least favourite Anderson film, yet it's still a good film overall. It just doesn't seem as important as the others. It stands on it's own and I appreciate that, I just wanted a bit more from this one.