

Never conform, never compromise....
I can't wait for this one....i love the whole look of the film, very dark which is completely my style. I love vampire movies, especially action ones, plus the whole Romeo and Juliet twist thown in I think will be interesting. I just hope the finale product is done well. We will see soon.
In the end...
Everything we do,
Is just everything we've done!
- Corey Taylor (2002)

If I had a tumor, I'd name it Marla
I can't wait to see this. This movie looks very interesting, and the concept of Romeo & Juliet combined with a classic King Kong vs. Godzilla theme is really cool. I think it will be a monster BTS hit.

I look forward to seeing some reviews.
Our intention creates our reality.
Dr. Wayne Dyer

I just saw the trailer to this on the big screen before T3 and thought it looked pretty damn good - a little too Matrixish in the costumes, but now I'm definitely interested in seeing it.

Originally Posted by Caitlyn
That’s it… … Thanks n7... That one is my favorite so far… I love vampire stories too and this one just looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun…
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Does Anyone know what the name of the band and the song title was from the Full Movie Trailer? If so Post it.

found some awesome ass sketches from preproducutin teams...

click here for production sketches....
it's better to have loved and lost
than to live with the psycho
for the rest of your life

Originally Posted by Praetorian
Does Anyone know what the name of the band and the song title was from the Full Movie Trailer? If so Post it.
The answer you seek has already been sought… and answered… check page one…

Cool pics…. Thanks FiLm Fr3aK …
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Looks a little silly to me. I might catch it a few weeks after it comes out.
You're not hopeless...

Originally Posted by Henry The Kid
Looks a little silly to me. I might catch it a few weeks after it comes out.
I concur. I doubt I'll see it unless the reviews are good.

I don't listen to reviews... What's realistic to me are my own opinions. If a reviewer says a film is bad, and I'd go along with and not see it, I might be missing out on a good thing.

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Generally speaking though, the collective minds of critics are very good judges of good and bad movies.
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

Originally Posted by Beale the Rippe
Generally speaking though, the collective minds of critics are very good judges of good and bad movies.

They are very intuitive when coming to reviewing movies, I have agree. Though to me they seem to me, at times, to nitpicky. There have been films in the past that I have seen, reviewers put down real bad. I am sure everyone here (including you) has seen a film or two , that a reviewer didnt like though, we happen to. I am sure of that.

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Originally Posted by jrs
They are very intuitive when coming to reviewing movies, I have agree. Though to me they seem to me, at times, to nitpicky. There have been films in the past that I have seen, reviewers put down real bad. I am sure everyone here (including you) has seen a film or two , that a reviewer didnt like though, we happen to. I am sure of that.
Way true on that. My point (which you got, but I'll still clarify/go into further depth) is that there is a universal truth about good and bad movies. Whether a movie is good or bad isn't really about a persons taste or opinions (despite the fact that it almost always boils down to this), there is a universal truth to whether each and every movie is good or bad (or at least I really and truely believe there is). I personallly have been on a quest to become "in tune" with this universal truth (this period of time is what I generally refer to when I go "into" movies). I keep refining my methods, and I believe I'm getting close. I think that the collective critic (like the group on RottenTomatoes, except on a much larger scale) is a key, or at least a clue as to what this universal truth is. They can be, and have been wrong in some cases (where they really fail is when the divide on something....)

Originally Posted by jrs
Are you serious??

It looks like it tries to be too cool and gothy for it's own good. The plot for this movie would be more appetizing as a campy/humourus movie, as the ideas are pretty far-fetched.

I'll reserve complete judgement, but it does not look like my kind of flick.

Divisive movies among critics tend to be my personal favorites to watch, because it inspires you to form your own opinions more clearly. When you watch a movie that everyone likes, you tend to be programmed to respond a certain way to it even if you don't realize it. Additionally, some people have it in ther heads that popular=bad, and that causes further problems. The movies that harshly divide critics give the common filmgoer more chance to figure out exactly what he/she liked/disliked about the film. If this film turns out to be really divisive, I'll be more interested in seeing it.

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Originally Posted by Henry The Kid
Divisive movies among critics tend to be my personal favorites to watch, because it inspires you to form your own opinions more clearly. When you watch a movie that everyone likes, you tend to be programmed to respond a certain way to it even if you don't realize it. Additionally, some people have it in ther heads that popular=bad, and that causes further problems. The movies that harshly divide critics give the common filmgoer more chance to figure out exactly what he/she liked/disliked about the film. If this film turns out to be really divisive, I'll be more interested in seeing it.
Interesting, but I'm not sure I completely agree. A certain degree of conformity in movie tastes is a very good thing.

Sidenote on topic: We aren't talking about like/dislike, we are talking about good/bad. There is a difference.

Sidenote off topic: I always find it quite amusing to see how Richard Roeper views a film. His stance, or at least how he argues it is often quite funny (check out some of the sound clips at http://tvplex.go.com/buenavista/eber...per/today.html if you so desire)

Do you know my poetry?
I saw the trailer a couple of weeks ago, it looks like an ok movie, nothing special or anything like that, plus I think the costumes are to much like The Matrix.

Originally Posted by Beale the Rippe
Interesting, but I'm not sure I completely agree. A certain degree of conformity in movie tastes is a very good thing.
When you get down to it, it's just personal preference. A lot of classics are now almost universal in their praise, but a lot of great movies tend to be rather divisive upon initial release. This, of course, is a sweeping generalization and there are quite obviously many exceptions to the rule.