The MoFo Filmmaking Thread


I'm still looking for an actress - I just wrote this ad. What do you guys think?

Ground breaking short film seeks ACTRESS to play the title character.

PAY: $800 for one day and one night of shooting.
SEEKING: Age 18-30ish White Female aka You must look natural in a blonde wig.
WHEN: Day August 30th & Night September 25th. Subject to change at your request.

I need an actress for a very important role - the first and last scene of my film, she is the title character and will be used in promotional materials. A make up artist is available to make you look your best.

Why should you believe in me or my film, just another meaningless indie guy?
No! An email won't convince you - Take a look at this 3 minute clip about me - Sean Foster.

Take a look at the inventions, software, and mathematical equations I applied to something as casual as beer pong. I'm an uncommonly smart, creative person and I've done nothing but apply myself to film now for three years after my friend won an oscar. I haven't had a day job for two years. Everything I've been doing is focused toward this one particular, amazing short film and I need YOU to be a very important part of it.

Did you watch that video?
I also look shockingly good in drag, check out this picture because I'll be on camera with you in the film.

This film has a great cause, it promotes transgender acceptance!! Come and join my team, we are fighting to get into the spot light and I have just the amazing script to do it!! We've got a professional videographer who does this 9-5 for a living. You might not understand it when I say this, but the part requires a very classy topless scene. You'll understand when you read the script. In the final scene it makes a powerful statement about the difference between a man and a woman when their shirts are removed. I invite you to read the script if you aren't convinced!

A fight sequence for you is optional if you want to kick some ass at the beginning of this film, but the script does fine without it.

LOL. It would be so hilarious to see mark f giving your film
when it's finished.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Okay... one more movie from me. But this is an early work so the audio is a bit dodgy. No offence intended to any ethnic group. About 30% of youtubers disliked it, just so you guys know. ******* precious, easily offended youtubers:

The Duchess's Avatar
Registered User
I am a very dedicated film buff. Have thought about getting involved someway in film making.

I have over 4,000 movies and classic TV.

Have written over 1,500 blogs on performers and films.

Like working with the overall production. Good with finance.

Very energetic and work hard and long.

Possibly some small acting parts. Both female and male ( since I am a man)

Very good at playing dowagers, creepy housekeepers, hags, witches, royalty ( like a queen!) and tough old broads ( messy hair, dumpy looking, cigarette in mouth and somewhat overly made up). Would do a good Baby Jane Hudson.

Since I am semi retired, I would have time to do something I always wanted to do.

Okay... one more movie from me. But this is an early work so the audio is a bit dodgy. No offence intended to any ethnic group. About 30% of youtubers disliked it, just so you guys know. ******* precious, easily offended youtubers:

I got what you were going for with the comedy but did there have to be that much aggression/swearing in the whole thing, maybe if the characters seemed like they were messing around like good friends would, I could have joined in a bit and enjoyed the spirit of it. The ending with the food was funny/clever
Support my feature-length film project - Kickstarter

Hey man, thanks for watching, and for the comment,... and for getting it . No you're absolutely right, about the swearing. It was overkill. I made this 4 years ago. At the time I thought I was a really clever and edgy writer (Don't let me fool you. In my head, I secretly still think I'm a really clever and edgy writer). But it takes time to see in your own product, what others see immediately.

At the time, I was really practising to see if I could write a restaurant scene. Nothing more really. Again, thanks for watching

Thirty year old mulberry field

This is my latest short, as well as what I think is the best thing that I've done so far. Hopefully.

This is my latest short, as well as what I think is the best thing that I've done so far. Hopefully.
You have 4 subscribers and 47 views.
Are you so hard up for 1 penny that you had to put an ad on your video?

Of those of you who've made films, what are your thoughts on Kickstart and similar approaches to funding projects? I'm very interested in making movies. Screenwriting is not without its difficulties, having to adhere to a certain format and trying to avoid verbosity, while trying to flesh out the story every other way ... it's a lot of work. I enjoy it, though. I'm working on a script and will have it finished by Spring of 2016.

But a close friend of mine suggested that I try to write it as a book, instead of taking on the overwhelming burden of trying to make a movie on my own. Then, try to shop it around, or have Hollywood approach me. Sell the rights and screw artistry, to hell with living out fantasies about making movies, just take the money and run! But I'd like to make the movie myself, even if that meant sort of taking everything on Stan Winston-style, some way, trying to present myself, my ideas, to some niche audience. It's very frustrating knowing what to do.

I've only met one low-budget, maverick film-maker and his approach to making movies ... it's not me. Using available sunlight, outdoors, available kitchen light, or opening curtains for interiors. Nobody wears makeup ... it's wear your own clothes, kind of a thing. I'm an artist. I'll go to Good Will, or whatever, to approximate what I need, I don't care. But if there are any Kickstart-like companies out there that would be good to work with, I'd still like to know about that.

I don't think kickstarter works unless you have an established audience.
Or a lot of friends and family willing to donate.

The odds of people investing in someone with zero film making experience seems slim. IDK.
I wish someone would give me money to make films.

Clip from my Superhero Action Comedy, Divinity.

I used IndieGoGo for a film project that I'm currently working on, check my signature. But I had a lot of family and friends who I knew I could rely on to chip in a bit so that I could raise a decent amount. Because I had never done anything before I didn't set the target too high (I raised £1000 out of £1500) but I still tried to make sure my campaign was professional, i got a team together that already had some equipment and experience (my editor/DP had a camera, tripod, stands, mics, editing software etc.), wrote a script myself (and limited it to the real world, its a mockumentary so not much need for professional actors, great effects, makeup etc) and then asked around local businesses and used Facebook Spotted pages (I don't know if this is just a UK thing but I'm sure there are equivalents) to gain locations and actors, lots of people offered to help out if they could.

Now I'm speaking to a friend of a friend (who starred in my film) about potentially working on a project early next year, that involves an actual film camera (excited about this, will definitely be interesting in comparison to digital) and I want to try and write a new project soon too, if I can

Thanks for the insight and opinions on getting a film funded from the outside. I just have to be honest, with myself ... nobody's going to flip the bill for my dreams to come true. My ego structure continues to be shocked and appalled by this simple fact, even though it's not a new one. If I want this movie made, though, I see that I'm going to have start a mortgage, or something. And all for little more than a certifiable money pit ... but for those who'd willingly let me entertain them, this movie would be ... impactful.

It's a tough thing to make a film. It takes money and a lot of other people.
Definitely simpler to write a book if that is satisfying to you.

For me it is film that's my passion.

I am unstoppable lately.
Using my problem solving abilities this week I've saved over $2,000 in production expenses.

I have the mind of a ****ing scientist.

I am unstoppable lately.
Using my problem solving abilities this week I've saved over $2,000 in production expenses.

I have the mind of a ****ing scientist.
You're like a white Robert Rodriguez.

You're like a white Robert Rodriguez.
I have his book but I stopped reading after the first page. he said you can learn everything about film making in 15 minutes. lol.

Where is that youtube video!

I've been struggling to find extras lately. And my idea of using a real gun with blanks got shot down by my production team.

So I'm going to have my gun jam. No stupid cheesy cgi bullet effects in my movie!!
Then there don't need to be as many extras either because I don't have a working gun it makes sense to run from 3 people.