Derek Vinyard's New Top 100 Favorite Movie.

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Rescue Dawn (2006) - Werner Herzog

- This ladies and gentlemen is a brilliant war movie extremely overlooked and underrated. Herzog is a brilliant director and he's top-notch for this movie. Christian Bale is amazing as usual and Steve Zahn is pretty good as well. Cinematography is gracious, storyline pretty awesome (for a war movie) and atmosphere is great. Probably one of the most underrated movie ever made.

Rescue Dawn is great. I've always loved how this movie's cover clearly rips it off.


Unbreakable (2000) - M. Night Shyamalan

- By far the best Night Shyamalan movie. Very entertaining, smart and well-acted this movie is pure gold. This is my kind of super-hero movie (even if it's not really ''one'') the storyline is perfectly written and the ending is one of the best I've ever seen.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk


Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) - Steve Pink

- One of the best american comedy ever made. Funny as hell, great storyline and amazing cast (Corddry especially is hilarious). I love the ending MOTLEY LUE BABY.

Unbreakable is great . I like Rescue Dawn too even though it's not one of my favourite Herzogs. Not seen most of the others which is why i haven't been commenting much.


The Wicker Man (1973) - Robin Hardy

- Classic masterpiece from the 70's with perfect acting. Edward Woodward is great and Christopher Lee legendary. Storyline is great and the ending is memorable.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
I watched Wicker Man a while back and just really didn't see the big deal about it. Perhaps people can help me out, is it actually meant to be scary or unsettling? I just found it to be really silly and laughable, and that the film was just being weird for weird's sake. Only at the concusion did I find it to be unnerving to any degree. Unbreakable I love; a great take on the superhero origin story. And Warrior is pretty great. It doesn't matter that it collects cliches like Pokemon; it's all told with such raw power that it works. Tom Hardy is just a beast in it

While it's far from being my favorite Herzog, Rescue Dawn is indeed very good. Love the realism and the commitment from the cast. At the time, I thought Steve Zahn gave one of the best supporting performances in recent memory and that he would be a shoo-in for all kinds of awards, yet it seems like his performance was mostly ignored. I still need to see Little Dieter Needs to Fly, the documentary the film is based on.

Unbreakable is okay, but I don't like it as much as you do. Hot Tub Time Machine was surprisingly funny. I liked The Wicker Man, but for me it didn't quite live up to its reputation.


28 Days Later (2002) - Danny Boyle

- One of my favorite zombie movie. Cinematography is amazing, storyline highly entertaining and the casting is great. Danny Boyle style is awesome and the atmosphere of his movies are always impressive especially in this one.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Nice thread and I've been following it but haven't posted as I hadn't seen anything..but for The Wicker Man. MovieGal told me about that one, anybody remember her?

28 Days Later (2002), that was a good intense end of the world, crazy zombie movie. Alright keep them coming.