The MoFo Musical Countdown - Group Watch

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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Next nomination:

A Week Away (2021)
Deadline: August 30

I've never heard of A Week Away, but I'll try to watch it tomorrow.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
A Week Away (2021) is the kind of movie that is right in my wheelhouse. I love this type of teen/young adult coming-of-age romance movies, and this is a good one, regardless of the religious themes. As a movie, I thought this was terrific, but the music wasn't as good as the movie itself. The songs weren't bad, but the singers didn't do justice to the few songs that I already knew.

Even though the camp was a Christian camp, it was very similar to the sleepaway camp that I went to as a kid, but this camp just had a religious theme. We had the same type of friendships, color war games and camp songs, but we just didn't talk about God.

And I didn't think this movie pushed the religion too hard. I don't think this troubled kid would have had his life changed that much in just one week at that camp, but it did build his friendships and trust, and it brought some of his troubles to the surface, which would have made them easier to talk about, and eventually get through with the help of his new friends.

A Week Away won't make my list, but I'm glad I watched it. As a movie, I liked it a lot, but as a musical, it was good, but not great.

Nomination #25

Pure Country (1992, Christopher Cain)

Deadline to Watch It: September 3

Not my cup of tea.

Pure Country
(Christopher Cain, 1992)

I knew going into this that it wouldn’t be my kind of movie. I don’t particularly like country music and I definitely don’t like rodeo and this movie is packed full of both. So it came as no surprise when I didn’t enjoy it - though I was a little surprised to find that I didn’t particularly hate anything about it. Okay, that’s not quite true. I did hate that god-awful 90s Western fashion, but otherwise the movie was just mildly annoying. I disliked pretty much all of the characters. They were all a bunch of jackasses. The story also felt very uninspired and left me unengaged and bored through its runtime.

So yeah, far from being the worst movie that I have watched for this, but also miles away from being anywhere near consideration for my ballot.

I've seen Pure Country years ago and recall liking it. I don't know if I will get around to rewatching it before the deadline.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Speaking of which, would you guys like to do a couple more rounds or should we close this for the remainder of the preliminary thread?

I think participation has slowed down quite a bit, but I'm willing to continue this as long as people keep nominating (or maybe even just recommending) musicals.

Speaking of which, would you guys like to do a couple more rounds or should we close this for the remainder of the preliminary thread?
I think we can do a couple more rounds.

Speaking of which, would you guys like to do a couple more rounds or should we close this for the remainder of the preliminary thread?
I’m cool with a couple more rounds.

A Mighty Wind has long been one of my favorite movies. I think it is pretty funny, but it’s really the music that I love most about it. I adore the soundtrack and regularly listen to the songs.

A Mighty Wind
(Christopher Guest, 2003)

I've never been a fan of Christopher Guest's brand of awkward comedy and I have really tried. This is Spinal Tap, Best in Show, For Your Consideration... none of them work for me. But I have loved A Mighty Wind since the first time I saw it 21 years ago.

But it's not the humor that I love about it. I do think it's funny and it gets some chuckles from me (as well as some groans in reaction to Fred Willard's corny jokes) but the thing that I love is the music. For a movie that's supposed to parody folk music, Christopher Guest and company created some truly wonderful original folk music. Indeed the movie's soundtrack CD is among my all time favorite soundtracks.

I also really love how well its cast play off each other, in particular long time friends Catherine O'Hara and Eugene Levy as Mitch & Mickey and Christopher Guest, Michael McKean and Harry Shearer as The Folksmen - who previously starred together as Spinal Tap. Their chemistry is incredible, though the other performances are also very strong - both in terms of standard acting and musically speaking.

I know that movie musical purists aren't likely to give this film any consideration, but I really hope that those who, like me, aren't fans of the genre and are looking for something a little more their speed will give this movie a shot.

I watched A Mighty Wind today. I hadn't seen it before, but I have seen a couple of Christopher Guest's other films. I enjoyed this. Good performances from a wonderful cast, lovely music and a funny, smart screenplay make A Mighty Wind a mighty winner.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I haven't liked any of the previous mockumentary movies that I've seen, so I didn't have high hopes for A Mighty Wind, but I kind of liked this movie. It was fun, and the music was pretty good.

It won't make my list, but I enjoyed watching it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
A Mighty Wind (2003)

I watched this tonight, it was an easy watch and a fun movie. I laughed out loud and I don't always laugh at comedies even though I might enjoy them. Fred Willard and Ed Begley Jr, were my favorites in the movie but all of the cast was good and I recognized alot of them but not all. I think the funniest part for me was when Bob Babalan was critiquing the dangers of the floor arrangement for the stage show, which sounded like something I could say. As a bonus my wife liked this movie too.