What are you doing at this very moment?


Watching the snow coming down. Wer'e supposed to get up to 17 inches of snow with 30 mph wind & under a blizzard warning, yikes!

Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
being depressed: its valentines day, ive done nothing but clean my room and cook. Theres someone i wanna be with but theyre in love with someone else

mmm, hot chocolate

mmm, fruit loops, lol

that's always fun

how's it going ucl?

Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
not too bad cheers, im into that uni pattern of going to bed late, sleeping through the day, getting up and doing nothing all day and then going to bed late again

hows u?

pretty good here, glad to be back on mofo, I don't even remember why i left. I know what that pattern's like though, trust me, you'll feel a lot better getting up early and sleeping at night rather than day, lol.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
L, is for the way you look at me.
O, is for the only one I see.
V, is very very, extra ordinary.
E, is even more than anyone that you adore.