Celebrities you have met?


Other than that.. I worked in a card shop as a teen and met several players, including Mr. autograph himself, Bob Feller. I never knew what to say to them, always felt like a fool (don't just stare... say something, anything, ya big dumba--- lol)

Met George Takai when I worked a booth at a convention, he was very cool and friendly, and before the doors opened, he went around to each table and looked at our wares and spoke to us (this was a small con). I don't remember what I said to him, but he was the kind of person who could put you at ease... so I didn't just stare and say nothing like a big dumba---

Stan Lee - he was the youngest 90-something-year-old I ever met, just full of pep, I thought, "this guy's going to live to a hundred and ten!" but sadly, his health took a downward turn shortly after and he was gone only a few years after this.

I had a brief chat with Patrick Stewart about football (the soccer kind of football) once--he's a big Huddersfield Town fan and they had just defeated Manchester United (this was before ManU had descended entirely into farce).

One of our neighbors used to be in a fairly well-known band, but I don't know if he actually counts as a celebrity?

circa 2000, our local House of Blues opened a "Foundation Room" which is like a VIP area for bigwigs. No, I was not invited but I WAS hired by the crew that worked on the decor before it opened. Stenciling ceilings, making the walls look "aged", etc.

At one point I was on a ladder painting a door frame when a large group stopped right under said door frame. There was one obnoxiously cheerful guy leading the group, and it was clear that he was giving them a tour. I gave them all the stink-eye, as this was the hundredth time I'd been interrupted by people passing through the door. After a few seconds I realized Fiona Apple was in the middle of this crowd, looking up at me with a silent "Sorry!" expression on her face.
Captain's Log
My Collection

Other than that.. I worked in a card shop as a teen and met several players, including Mr. autograph himself, Bob Feller. I never knew what to say to them, always felt like a fool (don't just stare... say something, anything, ya big dumba--- lol)

Met George Takai when I worked a booth at a convention, he was very cool and friendly, and before the doors opened, he went around to each table and looked at our wares and spoke to us (this was a small con). I don't remember what I said to him, but he was the kind of person who could put you at ease... so I didn't just stare and say nothing like a big dumba---

Stan Lee - he was the youngest 90-something-year-old I ever met, just full of pep, I thought, "this guy's going to live to a hundred and ten!" but sadly, his health took a downward turn shortly after and he was gone only a few years after this.
I was with my daughter when we met George Takei. She knew he did a voice in the cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender. He was an ass to both of us. We never gave him a reason too. Not many knew he did that character.

Ron Perlman did a voice in the show and he was super nice to her.

Her and Ron share a birthdate.

Other than that.. I worked in a card shop as a teen and met several players, including Mr. autograph himself, Bob Feller. I never knew what to say to them, always felt like a fool (don't just stare... say something, anything, ya big dumba--- lol)

Met George Takai when I worked a booth at a convention, he was very cool and friendly, and before the doors opened, he went around to each table and looked at our wares and spoke to us (this was a small con). I don't remember what I said to him, but he was the kind of person who could put you at ease... so I didn't just stare and say nothing like a big dumba---

Stan Lee - he was the youngest 90-something-year-old I ever met, just full of pep, I thought, "this guy's going to live to a hundred and ten!" but sadly, his health took a downward turn shortly after and he was gone only a few years after this.

I also worked at both card shows and comic shows over the years, and I've met many sports (mostly baseball) players, sci-fi and nostalgia actors, comic book writers and artists, and more. Some were very nice, and some were so rude that they made you wish you never met them.

The nicest of the sports starts I met was Tom Seaver. The rudest was Dwight Gooden.

I've met most of the stars from Star Trek TOS and TNG over the years, and most of them were very nice. My favorite was DeForest Kelley, but I didn't get to spend as much time with him as I did with some of the other stars.

One of the nicest (and funniest) of the Star Trek stars was John de Lancie. He told some stories that had everyone

Gene Roddenberry came to a show and brought a 3-reel movie, but he only brought the first 2 reels. Nobody realized it until the second reel ended, and they realized that they didn't have the last reel. (It was a long time ago, so I don't remember much about the movie, but I think it was called either Phoenix or Genesis.) When he was answering questions later in the convention, he refused to tell anyone how the movie ended. (Most of us just assumed that he didn't remember.)

One comic convention was a tribute to the Sid and Marty Krofft shows of the 1970s. At the after-show party, I had great conversations with Jack Wild (H.R. Pufnstuf) and Johnny Whitaker (Sigmund and the Sea Monsters). They were both super nice.

Richard Dreyfuss is one of my favorite actors, and I was thrilled to meet him, but he's very opinionated sometimes, and he was talking a bit too much about politics at the time. He was much more fun to talk to when the conversation switched to baseball.

In a short conversation with Malcolm McDowell, I found out that he didn't like being in New York, but I think it had a lot to do with the (hot) weather at the time.

I met Stan Lee at a convention in 2012, and found out that he didn't collect anything related to any of the characters that he created. He said that the only thing he collected was (in his words) "pictures of dead presidents", (aka money).
He was supposed to appear at another convention in 2017, where he was going to officiate a wedding, but he had to cancel due to health issues. Sadly, he passed away about a year later.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
I forgot a couple:

"Stink" Fisher - actor from NJ. He's been in The Lovely Bones, Invincible (the Vince Papale movie), Gotham, and a bunch of other stuff. Used to own a restaurant near me that I would frequent, and he was a client of ours. I wouldn't quite call us close friends but we've always been cordial.

For a while Kelly McGillis lived nearby - we helped her with using her laptop to have online meetings with her agent, who was in California. She was nice. We kept it professional - didn't pester her about her career or anything.
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

I don't actually wear pants.
I know I've met Clint Black, George Takei, Michael Winslow, and Victoria Jackson. I might have met other celebrities except my brain is a mite foggy after being in the car for so long the past 24 hours. I've worked at a professional live theatre a few times and had an in there.

George Takei was interred a few dozen miles south of where I live, so he comes here, since it's the biggest town in about a 75-mile radius, once every two years to do stuff about the Japanese interment camp, and I met him in 2016 about it. I don't know if they still do that, especially since those interred are either really old or passed. It was pretty cool. He's very down-to-Earth and I chatted with him for about five minutes. We actually didn't discuss his acting career; we discussed his interment and his World War II experiences and his experiences in the area that year. One thing the Japanese did as part of their event that year for their week here was hiking down to the lake itself at Crater Lake, and I told him how awesome that was and how I did it as well a few years prior and he was impressed. Then I put the conversation back on his experiences and we talked a bit more before I had to let the next people have their turns. It was a fun experience.

Michael Winslow did a comedy show here and I chatted a bit with him after the show. I told him I loved him in Spaceballs before the sequel came out and he said he would have loved to work with Mel Brooks again. Michael Winslow was highly entertaining and I enjoyed his show. He did though seem, I guess, a mite rigid. It was a mild amount of stage fright. I enjoyed his show, and he settled into it once he got going. It just started a tad rough. No one has to explain that to me. I've performed on stage numerous times and I know all about early-show jitters.

I have to mention it. In the town where I live, I'm a minor celebrity. I had a hospital visit a couple of years ago and two of the nurses recognized me from the local theatre. I came away okay from the hospital visit, I don't actually remember my ailment, and two of the women nurses asked if I was in a certain play, which I was, and they "knew it". Also the guy who runs the comedy shows totes me as "acting royalty" here because he loved me in the same play.
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!

I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.

I met Weird Al Yankovic when I was 11. To give you an idea of my age, it was 1989. It was a camp field trip to see a taping of an old Nickelodeon show, Don't Just Sit There. He was there promoting the movie UHF with Victoria Jackson and Michael Richard's.

Weird Al wasn't nearly as well known back then, and I bumped into him as we were both wandering backstage. We shook hands and he was super nice.

I met Stan Lee a couple years later, and likewise he wasn't really well known back then unless you were into comic books, which I was. He was nice, but we didn't have much time to talk. I still own an X-Men comic he signed for me. 🤩

And I once had an angry email exchange with Ben Stein. But that was indirect.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
Ran into Max Greenfield of New Girl fame at MoMa a few weeks ago.
I went to school with him I graduated the year before he did, but had known him a long time. He's as funny IRL as he is on TV and awesome!

I've met via Zoom quite a few celebrities:
David Keith
Marc Singer
Lukas Haas
Diane Franklin
Nicky Whelan
Spencer Breslin
Dash Mihok
Louis Mandylor
Maria Canals-Barrera
Efren Ramirez
Levi Miller
Rhona Mitra
Courtney Gains
Mike Boorem
Lily Sullivan
Casper Van Dien
Elena Kampouris
Debbie Rochon
Monique Parent
Nicky Whelan
Kristanna Loken
Jane Widdop
Paul Johansson
David Howard Thornton
Munro Chambers
Directors James Cullen Bressack, Jared Cohn, Andy Fickman, Brandon Slagle, Kurt Wimmer, Simon West, Joe Cornet, and Isaac Florentine
Horror stars Sarah French, Danielle Harris, Maria Olsen, and Jamie Bernadette
Horror filmmakers Greg Lamberson and Ryan Kruger
South African actors/filmmakers Reine Swart, Liesl Ahlers, Rob Van Vuuren, Michael Potter, Cameron Scott, Ruan Wessels, Simone Neethling, Chris Jaftha

via phone call I'm spoken to Barbara Crampton, Lin Shaye, Taryn Manning, Scott Adkins, Scout Taylor Compton, Bill Sage, Lou Ferrigno Jr, Daniel Bernhardt, and Alain Moussi.
It's All About the Movies

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
And I once had an angry email exchange with Ben Stein. But that was indirect.

Back in the early days of the internet Douglas Adams was very active. This was before web sites even existed, at least to the extent we have now. I emailed back and forth with him a couple of times about how much a dumbass from New Jersey enjoyed the Hitchhiker's Guide books and Dirk Gently. He was very cordial.

Dan Marino
Still the best QB I've ever seen touch a football...born 20 years to early. Worked at a golf course...his son was in the tournament. Ran into him in the bathroom. British Open was on...ask the guy sitting in the lockerroom who was winning...Dan walked in and answer me, I said "Thanks Dan"

Miles Teller
Same age. Went to my rival school in a small towns in Florida. Have friends that know him really well and were at his wedding. Crossed path a couple times. I'd imagine he would know me but who knows lol

Steve Spurrier/Urban Meyer
Came to the golf course I was at. Steve gave me a 20 lol Go Gatas

Played against Micheal Beasley in High School #2 pick in the NBA Draft 2008

Think that's about it off the top of my head. Other minor celebrities I guess.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

The Guy Who Sees Movies
How about Dorothy Lamour? At some point in her late life, one of her marriages brought her to the upscale suburban Baltimore neighborhood of Hampton, north of Towson. Her son, bearing the name of the new husband (Howard), attended school in Towson where I met him and his mom a couple times, picking him up at school. Adults told me that she had been a movie star. I didn't get it. She just seemed like an older mom and I had never seen any of those old movies.

The Guy Who Sees Movies
Then, there's Barry Levinson. Several of his movies were set in areas that I frequented, either downtown work sites around Baltimore, where I live. His sets were well known around the area and sometimes we rubbed elbows with the cast and/or crew. Some of them frequented a burger bar that I used to go to. It's a local favorite for it's old-school bar, unpretentious atmosphere and epic burgers.

A favorite, however, is my house. When I saw Tin Men, it was all familiar. It was about guys selling aluminum home siding to unwitting homeowners in Baltimore. Before I got there, my house was covered with the stuff, sold to a previous owner by a Tin Man. As it turns out, that stuff is nearly immortal. It doesn't rust, rot or need painting.

It's still there, keeping the rain out tonight.

I forgot the opening line.
I always feel a bit funny talking to someone just because they're famous, but I did meet George Lazenby once - the one-off James Bond who starred in On Her Majesty's Secret Service. I used to live just down the road from where Lois Maxwell (who played Miss Moneypenny in many of the early Bond films) lived - but despite knowing it was her place and living nearby for ages, I never once saw her.

I remember seeing an actor I'd just witnessed give a terrific performance in a play I'd seen, just out shopping. I had an overwhelming urge to go up to him and tell him how much I'd enjoyed his performance - but I couldn't shake the fact that he'd either enjoy the compliment or resent being approached in his own private time by a stranger. Which would it be? In the end I decided to leave him alone.

I've also met quite a few sports stars that, while famous over here in Australia, wouldn't be known at all outside our borders.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Blue (1993)

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
I actually met Shinji Ikari himself Spike Spencer on Skype a couple of years ago, and it was pretty damn cool if I do say so myself.
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.