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Umpteenth Rewatch...This film vesion of Neil Simon's play The Gingerbread Lady stars Marsha Mason as Georgia Hines, an actress fresh out of rehab, who is trying to stay sober, resurrect her career, and take care of her teenage daughter (Kristy McNichol) and havng trouble with all of it. The Simon one-liners come fast and furious and are well-handled, especially by the late James CoCo and Joan Hackett as Georgia's best friends. Mason, CoCo, and Hackett all receieved Oscar nominations for their performances. It's not top tier Simon, but it's warm and fuzzy entertainment.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024)

I thought this was pretty good. Decent story and characters. Some of the action is spot on but sometimes OTT (everything exploding when it hits something, like spears for instance). Not as OTT as Hemsworth's "Dementus" As a stand-alone film film it is interesting but I think 1 and 2 were great Aussie cinema. Fury Road was OK.

Smoking Causes Coughing -

Short review:

Slightly longer review:

This movie begins as a subversive take on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, The Avengers...well, any team of superheroes. It ends up in a very different and strange place. I do not want to say anything about the path from point A to point B, but I'll at least say that this is a must-see for Adult Swim fans, comic book fans and even those who would like to burn Marvel Studios to the ground. I'll also mention that it will remind you that we're all slowly killing ourselves while putting our fate in the hands of machines that don't bloody work half the time.

River - (2023)

Not nearly as good as Beyond The Infinite Two Minutes, but still entertaining in its own way. 6/10
There has been an awekening.... have you felt it?

3rd Rewatch...Director and screenwriter Elaine May strips away the glamour of most mob dramas with this seedy drama about a former mobster (John Cassavetes) on the run from mob bosses who seeks help from his BFF (Peter Falk) but fights his assistance every step of the way. This gritty and uncompromising drama alternately aggravates and fascinates and though we sort of see where it's going, there are couple of well-played plot surprises that keep us completely engaged in this often ugly story. Cassavetes has never been better.
I saw this a couple of months ago and really liked it. Tough watch, but really good movie.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

By https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5375040/, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=54058125

Cameraperson - (2016)

Fantastic autobiographic collage of outtakes from the movies filmed and/or directed by Kirsten Johnson, which show that a filmmaker immersing themselves in a subject and becoming part of the story can elicit more truth than one who puts up walls between themselves and what they're filming. Full of evocative moments that will linger a long time in my memory. Full review here in my watchlist thread.

I'm a big fan of this one. Glad you liked it.

Well after much negotiating I talked my wife into watching 'In A Violent Nature.' If you're into horror films, particularly the slasher genre, you will certainly enjoy this. It received largely positive reviews according to Wiki. It's also known for being unique in that almost the entire movie is shot from the killer's perspective. I enjoyed this one a lot. Can't say the same for my wife, though, lol.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​

Blue Velvet - 1986

Was apprehensive about it going in. Not much of a Lynch guy. Didn't much care for Mulholland Drive when I saw it. Got to say this is more of the same for me. I think I liked it a little bit more. It's an interesting flick. Movie just gets too weird and interpretative like Mulholland Drive. I can see why people really enjoy his films and this one with a different personality than me. I just need something to hold onto and grab. Just feels a bit out of my grasp. Characters make decisions that are bizarre, and I just didn't buy Dern and MacLachlan's romance/relationship. Hopper was incredible even if his character was just kind of a psychopath to be one I guess. I don't know I am glad I watched it, made me feel somethings, but just not really up my alley.

True Romance - 1993

This one was a big gaping hole in my filmography I hadn't seen. Unlike Blue Velvet, which was made a year before I was born, this film was hitting it's cult classic status when I was coming of age for movies in the late 90s/2000s. (Ironically two Dennis Hopper movies) Just never watched it. I enjoyed it but I wouldn't say it shot up the charts to my favorites. You can feel Tarantino and Tony Scott movies colliding into one. It was a very cool premise but felt a bit ridiculous at times. It was funny to see Pitt and Gandolfini scene. In a less than a decade they became the biggest stars in the movie in small roles. Sameul L Jackson and Gary Oldman blew up shortly after as well. I thought the music they used was kinda goofy which I guess was appropriate because I think the main characters relationship was a little goofy ha. I don't know it was pretty damn entertaining but don't think I'll be thinking about this one long afterwards.

I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Inside Out 2 (2024)

Gifted (2015) Watched on Prime because it is Canada Day. Directed by Scott A. Matthews and starring Georgia Rossi, Sydney Rossi, Sabrina Rossi, Russ Rossi, and Shannon Rossi. A Canadian family adventure comedy about three cute sisters who search for a legendary treasure. This was cute and fun. I loved all three girls in it. Fun fact: the one girl started her own bikini line under the name StrawberryMilkMob and all three girls are influencers and bikini models now!

1st Rewatch...A nearly forgotten gem from Will Ferrell's resume that nobody talks about anymore. Ferrell and Jon Heder play Chaz Michaels and Jimmy McElroy, respectively, a pair of competitive male figure skaters who, after an ugly incident during an Olympic medal ceremony, get themselves banned from figure skating competitions permanently, Three years later, they figure out a way to get back on the ice by forming the first male/male figure skating pairs competitors. Needless to say there is a very funny air of homoeroticism around this whole movie that neither the screenwriters nor the cast shy away from. Love the purposely cheesy visual effects employed to demonstrate Chaz and Jimmy doing various lifts, spins, and throws on the ice. Will Arnett and Amy Poehler also garner major laughs as the brother and sister pair who are threatened by the pair (At the time, Arnett and Pohler were married IRL), as does Craig T Nelson as the guys' coach and Nicky Swardsen as a figure skating groupie obsessed with Jimmy.

2nd Rewatch...Elizabeth Taylor at her most alluring is the anchor of this romantic melodrama which finds Taylor and Van Johnson playing a self-absorbed party girl and a wartime journalist whose star-crossed romance is unable to sustain thanks to her flirting with anything in pants and his inability to get three novels published, which leads him to alcohol. Richard Brooks, who also directed Taylor four years later in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, shows solid skill with this lushly mounted drama. Solid support is also provided by Donna Reed as Taylor's terminally unhappy sister, Walter Piedgeon as Taylor and Reed's rakish father, Roger Moore as a tennis pro sniffing at Taylor and Eva Gabor as a party girl sniffing after Johnson. On my list of the top 20 Elizabeth Taylor performances, this one came in at #5.

2nd Rewatch...This downer of a cinematic experience is becoming a little less enjoyable with each viewing. Nicolas Cage won his only Oscar to date for his performance in this dark and depressing tale of a former screenwriter who decides to move to Las Vegas so that he can drink himself to death and finds his mission impeded by a pretty hooker with a heart of gold (Elisabeth Shue) who thinks she loves the guy and thinks her love can save this man. Don't get me wrong, as a commercial for the dangerous consequences behind alcoholism, this movie hits a solid bullseye, but some of the behavior displayed by Cage's character just seems a little over the top to me, and this is coming from someone who has had addiction issues and now dealing with them one day at a time. That scene near the beginning of the film where he's in the bank and he can't sign his check because his hand is shaking so bad or that scene where he is actually drinking underwater in a swimming pool? And the story of hooker and her evil pimp, played by the late Julian Sands, often seems like another movie. But for Cage fans and anyone who has ever awakened with a hangover or not knowing where they are, this film is appointment viewing.

True Romance - 1993

This one was a big gaping hole in my filmography I hadn't seen. Unlike Blue Velvet, which was made a year before I was born, this film was hitting it's cult classic status when I was coming of age for movies in the late 90s/2000s. (Ironically two Dennis Hopper movies) Just never watched it. I enjoyed it but I wouldn't say it shot up the charts to my favorites. You can feel Tarantino and Tony Scott movies colliding into one. It was a very cool premise but felt a bit ridiculous at times. It was funny to see Pitt and Gandolfini scene. In a less than a decade they became the biggest stars in the movie in small roles. Sameul L Jackson and Gary Oldman blew up shortly after as well. I thought the music they used was kinda goofy which I guess was appropriate because I think the main characters relationship was a little goofy ha. I don't know it was pretty damn entertaining but don't think I'll be thinking about this one long afterwards.


LOVE True Romance...A link to my review:


Pup Star (2016) Yes, I really watched this. It's a Canadian film and today is Canada Day, so that makes it okay. This is a family comedy about a dog competing in a singing competition. In this universe, dogs can talk and sing! It was cute and fun. If you like singing doggies, then you would likely enjoy this.

I forgot the opening line.

By Warner Bros. Inc. - https://imgur.com/a/5n4Ay3q, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=62073409

The Shining - (1980)

I've seen The Shining so many times, but it's still a great movie to put on and watch closely (as well as listen to closely.) Jack Nicholson's facial expressions throughout are a constant delight, and despite being so very familiar with the movie, this was the first time I'd ever seen the American version. About 25 minutes had been cut from the European and Australian versions of The Shining, so it was a blast to see stuff I'd never seen before. My friend regaled me with a few Shining anecdotes I didn't know, and we had some interesting discussions about the film as we watched. I'm fascinated by the excised scrapbook plotline, of which we see nothing but the scrapbook itself at times, never remarked upon. I've seen the film too many times for it to be scary, but I was scared to death of this film when I saw it as a boy when it came out. I felt a little of that spookiness again last night, just because I was very focused on it, which really immersed me. I notice so many small details now, because of films like Room 237, various YouTube videos, stuff I've read, and conversations with friends. It's a perfect rating for this one - because how else could it have endured so long if it wasn't one of the most interesting, and fascinating, horror films ever made.


By May be found at the following website: http://www.movieposterdb.com/poster/26c39967, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=28785184

Caterpillar - (2010)

Very grim film about a Japanese soldier returning from the Second Sino-Japanese War with no arms or legs, a complete loss of hearing, and a horribly scarred and deformed face. It questions the dubious honor of going overseas, committing horrible crimes, and then getting blown to bits. There's no honor, dignity, or sense to it at all. Worth a look, but just be warned that it's not cheery and includes many hard to stomach sex scenes. Full review here in my watchlist thread.

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

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