The Election News and Predictions Thread


I dont really.But i do think he`ll chill now that hes been elected as seen in his speech and the 60 min interview.
So now the question is if the people who voted for him will feel betrayed and if the people who are opposed to him will forget his attitude.
Britney is my favorite

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I dont really.But i do think he`ll chill now that hes been elected as seen in his speech and the 60 min interview.
So now the question is if the people who voted for him will feel betrayed and if the people who are opposed to him will forget his attitude.
Ok, you are being honest. I have had more then one legal immigrant ask me if I thought they would be deported because Trump won. What are your thoughts on that? Why do those people feel that way? He has never talked about deporting legal immigrants.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
just to clarify,do you have any specific subjects in mind?
You don't think Hillary promotes fear in what will happen if Republicans win. You don't think she promotes the idea that Trump is talking about all immigrants not illegal ones? She didn't promote the fear that Trump is against all Muslims not radical Islic terrorists? She doesn't promote the fear that he will raise taxes on the poor when their taxes won't be raised a cent? She didn't promote the fear that being against gay marriage means he wants all homosexuality to be illegal? She didn't promote the fear that Trump is okay with police officers keeping themselves safe not police officers randomly killing all unarmed black men?
I feel he has been misrepresented by the left on all the issues above exactly as I stated them.

So you don't think any of his thoughts have been exaggerated?
As usual, I'm not defending Trump, but with his way of speaking he doesn't preempt every statement with caveats. (It's usually good to do that, but we live in such a conditioned PC society that any statement has to be quadrupled in length to fit all the required caveats in attempts to keep someone from becoming offended.)

Now when he talked about illegal aliens crossing the southern border, I knew he wasn't talking about all of them - everyone knew that, but because he didn't use a caveat, his opposition forced an interpretation on his words.

He never said, "Every single Mexican and Latino coming into this country illegally is either a rapist, a drug dealer, a murder or some kind of violent criminal."

He simply said that those types of people are coming across - which is a fact. He didn't use caveats until after called to the carpet for using what sounded like blanket statements, but which, in reality, were not.

I dont think Trump is a racist. Sure hes said and done racist things, but he doesnt hate someone because of their color. I live in the south, and real racism isnt even arguable its so obvious. Trumps just an old camera hound out of touch billionaire that thinks he can offer things nobody could conceive of because hes a billionaire

No I dont think he will deport legal immigrants, or even take away any gay rights. Yes Im sure hes said to the contrary, but hes not going to go against popular opinion. After these riots the last thing even he would want is more drama, Id think. I dont think hes gonna build a wall, but I do think he'll eliminate Obamacare. What takes its place is what whoever hes close to suggests, and I mean "close to" in a deal making sorta way.

If he had said or done anything to incite these riots further then he should have been impeached. He reversed himself quickly. Before he wouldnt learn, won the election anyway, but now I think hes being made to.

Ok, you are being honest. I have had more then one legal immigrant ask me if I thought they would be deported because Trump won. What are your thoughts on that? Why do those people feel that way? He has never talked about deporting legal immigrants.
He probabely would if he could. I dont really think Hillary has brought that idea along anymore than statements from himself and even more so his supporters.Do you honestely think hes not a rascist or have played on the rascism brewing in the public?
I dont know if you think Im a Hillary supporter-im not.But i dont think that man has anything to do anywhere near the white house.

The irony of all this violent protesting, is that's what the leftwing media was predicting Trump supporters would do... take to the streets and spread fear and doom

Instead, the opposite happened. It's really been a perfect storm, where the election was covered in such a one-sided fashion in so many places throughout the campaign season, that so many people believed the result was certain.

Hillary voters thought they had it in the bag and were ready to celebrate before the results were in, because that's how it was presented to them by the liberal media outlets. The media is largely responsible for a lot of this protest mess and that's one thing I've loved about this election, how much the media has been exposed for being out of touch with reality

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
He probabely would if he could. I dont really think Hillary has brought that idea along anymore than statements from himself and even more so his supporters.Do you honestely think hes not a rascist or have played on the rascism brewing in the public?
I dont know if you think Im a Hillary supporter-im not.But i dont think that man has anything to do anywhere near the white house.
Why do you think that? He hasn't said anything resembling that, not even close. To me that just proves my point of the fear stoking.

Yeah, I absolutely think Trump plays on people's fears. That's my whole point. Culpability is everywhere. If you want that to change you gotta stop buying into it just because it fits nicely with your world view.

Why do you think that? He hasn't said anything resembling that, not even close. To me that just proves my point of the fear stoking.

Yeah, I absolutely think Trump plays on people's fears. That's my whole point. Culpability is everywhere. If you want that to change you gotta stop buying into it just because it fits nicely with your world view.
I dont agree with that.You ultimately have to look over as much information you can,from a varity of people and make up your own idea of that person. I dont think the women are lying,i think he is, I believe he has hyped up and played on that racism for a reason,not only to win but because he genuinly believe those things himself. I think his attitude is embarrassing,and in my world view no one would know about him.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I say Trump is a racist.

1) Trump openly endorsed the 'birther idea' that President Obama wasn't an American but an African. That is a coded way of saying 'blacks should be shipped back to Africa'. It was wrong. It was racist. It was said in attempt to disgrace the first black president of America.

2) Trump during the campaign called for a ban of Muslim immigration due to terrorism. That is religious bigotry and flies in the face of everything our country stands for. Yes, latter he changed his statement and softened it, but he's on record as originally saying that.

3) He constantly shows a level of insensitive to Mexicans and Mexican Americans. He 'might' have misspoke and not meant to infer all or most illegal immigrants were drug dealer rapist. But he clearly didn't bother to show any level of empathy towards those of Mexican heritage.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I don't think you are adressing the fear mongering so I will digress with one more interesting thought on immigration.

In the third debate Trump brought up the fact that Obama has deported more people in his presidency thean any other president. I looked at my dad and asked if he was crazy. Why would he bring up a statistic that totally undermines all the rhetoric he has been spewing about open borders. Easy answer, she was never going to push back because it also undermines her rhetoric about being all inclusive and not breaking up these poor families. Obama has never been accused of being the most racist president ever. Why not? He clearly hates Mexicans if we would dare deport more illegal ones than anyone ever.

Spin and rhetoric folks, it isn't just happening on the side of the fence you hate.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Obama has never been accused of being the most racist president ever...
Obama is racist (and yes I did vote for him) I have said that Obama was racist in his actions and speeches before on MoFo and many times on my old board too. Just ask Captain, he can confirm that.

The idea that you can't be a racist if you have friends or employees of a given demographic is absurd. Racism isn't a binary hate of an entire group.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Obama is racist (and yes I did vote for him) I have said that Obama was racist in his actions and speeches before on MoFo and many times on my old board too. Just ask Captain, he can confirm that.
But here is the thing, I don't think you think he is racist because he deports illegals. That's where there is a huge disconnect I think. I don't even agree with Trump on immigration but, again, the rhetoric is silly and unwarranted. The left has taken some stupid comments and instead of calling them stupid turned it into a freak show.