
I put a Kinder Joy Egg on his desk as a reminder. Hopefully he'll see it tomorrow and ask me about it, and that will remind me to ask him about how to boil eggs. (Even if he eats it, he'll still probably ask me why I left it for him, so it should still work as a reminder. )
ooooo thats clever i need to do that to my roommate lol.
i hopefully it goes well lol

Can somebody - anybody - tell me how to boil eggs?

No matter what level of water I use, what kind of pan, how much boiling time, how much resting time - I can never get all the shells off. If I boil 6 eggs, 3 will be ruined because the shelling pulls off the whites.

Please please HELP.
It's not foolproof, nothing is, but if we're talking hard boiled eggs then hitting the top and bottom of them on a surface, then roll them backwards and forwards with downward pressure. This will usually fracture the shell into small pieces and allow you to tear it off in strips. I don't know if there's any science behind this, but I do find that the longer it's been since I boiled them, the more likely the shell is to come away more easily. What you really want is the membrane to adhere to the shell so that it all comes off together.

I've seen the pro's put them into a bowl of ice water, but I don't know if that's just to cool them more quickly (for TV time restraints) or if it actually helps with the peeling process.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Googled the subject to death already.

Please please ask your husband for me.

Fortunately, leaving the Kinder Joy Egg on his desk worked. He said this is how he makes hard-boiled eggs. (He usually makes a lot of them on the weekend, so he has them ready all week.)

How to boil eggs:
He said, "This is eggactly how I do it."

1) Let the hot water run until it gets really hot.
2) Fill a tupperware (large enough to fit 8 or 9 eggs flat) with water. (He uses Grade A Large Eggs.)
3) Make sure that all of the eggs are submerged in the hot water. (This is to make sure that the eggs don't crack when they hit the boiling hot water.)
4) Fill a 3 quart tupperware half way with water. (Our tupperware is about 9 inches by about 5 inches.)
5) Add 1-1/2 to 2 teaspoons of salt to the water.
6) Without the eggs, heat the water in the microwave for about 3 minutes. (Our microwave is 1100 watts, so adjust this to match your microwave wattage.)
7) Move the eggs, one at a time, from the hot water to the boiling water.
8) Heat the eggs for 3 minutes.
9) Stir.
10) Then heat the eggs for another 3 minutes. (Making it 6 minutes total so far.)
11) Stir.
12) Then heat the eggs for another 3 minutes. (Making it 9 minutes total.)
13) Stir.
14) Using tongs, remove one egg. Run it under cold water.
15) Spin the egg on the counter like a top. If the egg spins straight up, (meaning that it doesn't flop around), then it's done.
16A) If the egg is done, tap the egg on counter. Submerge it in cold water. Then, the egg should peel easily.
16B) If the egg is NOT done, put the whole bowl of water and eggs back into the microwave for 60-90 seconds, depending on how much it wobbles when it spins.
17) Then repeat the spinning steps, until they're done.

He said that he did a lot of trial end error before he figured out these steps, but this is what works for him, with our microwave. Your microwave may vary based on the wattage.

Also, our microwave has a lazy-susan type of tray on the bottom that spins while the food cooks. That may or may not make a difference.

I hope this helps.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I do find that the longer it's been since I boiled them, the more likely the shell is to come away more easily. What you really want is the membrane to adhere to the shell so that it all comes off together.
Exactly! This where I run into the difficulty getting the membrane & shell off simultaneously.

Also, our microwave has a lazy-susan type of tray on the bottom that spins while the food cooks. That may or may not make a difference.
Huge thanks to your husband & to you. I really appreciate you taking the time.

I will try & work with what he says, but the problem is we don’t have a microwave.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Huge thanks to your husband & to you. I really appreciate you taking the time.

I will try & work with what he says, but the problem is we don’t have a microwave.

You're welcome.

I know that there are ways to convert the cooking time from oven or stove directions to microwave directions. Maybe you can Google it and find out the reverse?

You're welcome.

I know that there are ways to convert the cooking time from oven or stove directions to microwave directions. Maybe you can Google it and find out the reverse?
I picked out bits of what everyone here advised & my eggs turned out better today. I think I have to let them cool off longer before peeling. Only one was ruined since I banged it too hard on the counter.

Thanks again to your husband & everyone else here.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I picked out bits of what everyone here advised & my eggs turned out better today. I think I have to let them cool off longer before peeling. Only one was ruined since I banged it too hard on the counter.

Thanks again to your husband & everyone else here.

You're welcome. I'm glad that the info helped.

Decided to investigate the numerous bags of stuff underneath our spare room bed. Seasonal blankets, that kind of thing.

Opened a bag & found a large summer bed comforter that I swear I have never in my life seen before. It’s been washed at some time - more than once since some of the stuffing is bunched up - but too big for my washing machine.

Is this something I had when I lived in NYC & have forgotten about? So bizarre since I do not forget.

Does anyone know a trick to clean Velcro?
Ya know how everything gets stuck to it? Is there any other way to clean it than sit there with a tweezers or use your fingernails to try pick out every bit of debris one by one (which is very time consuming and trying on the patience)?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Does anyone know a trick to clean Velcro?
Ya know how everything gets stuck to it? Is there any other way to clean it than sit there with a tweezers or use your fingernails to try pick out every bit of debris one by one (which is very time consuming and trying on the patience)?
Nope and I've had to clean those little velcro hooks before. What a pain! An aside: did you know that Vulcans reportedly introduced velcro to Earth in the 1950s?

Does anyone know a trick to clean Velcro?
Ya know how everything gets stuck to it? Is there any other way to clean it than sit there with a tweezers or use your fingernails to try pick out every bit of debris one by one (which is very time consuming and trying on the patience)?
Have to wonder why you would bother?

Have to wonder why you would bother?
Certain things I use have Velcro, and it's just kind of gross when it's all dirty.

Last night I used a plastic ankle brace for my walk (trying to mitigate the effects of tendentious in my left ankle) and the brace fastens with Velcro - which is all dirty because it has all different color fuzz from socks & stuff stuck to it.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I always hate getting poodles stuck on that =\ I imagine that would be hell on your ankle.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Certain things I use have Velcro, and it's just kind of gross when it's all dirty.

Last night I used a plastic ankle brace for my walk (trying to mitigate the effects of tendentious in my left ankle) and the brace fastens with Velcro - which is all dirty because it has all different color fuzz from socks & stuff stuck to it.
We Capricorns like everything in good order.

Does anyone know a trick to clean Velcro?
Ya know how everything gets stuck to it? Is there any other way to clean it than sit there with a tweezers or use your fingernails to try pick out every bit of debris one by one (which is very time consuming and trying on the patience)?
Have you tried a stiff bristle brush?

We Capricorns like everything in good order.
Yeah, what is up with that?
I almost border on OCD with that stuff sometimes...

Also on my evening walk I sometimes take a "Lance Peanut Bar" (so good!)...

...and even though it's dark, I have to open the package ONLY at the top! It's GOT to be in the position so I can read it - so I check it under a street lamp before opening it to make sure it's right side up! It's the same at both ends so it would make absolutely no difference if I opened it at the bottom - but I won't! Why? What is wrong with me?

Nothing. You're normal. I've never had one of those, but what kind of mad man (or woman) would open the wrong end when there clearly is a correct end to open?

Yeah, what is up with that?
I almost border on OCD with that stuff sometimes...
I’m definitely OCD in certain circumstances. It’s a matter of feeling safe in one’s routine especially during a pandemic. It’s something we can control. I have gotten worse during this past year. Breakfast must be going by 8 o’clock, not 8.30 a.m. & so on & so forth.

I’m upset that my favorite DUNKIN for some reason has temporarily closed. Upset even though there’s a DUNKIN at the end of my street. Every day I walk by the closed one hoping it has re-opened.

I hate disorder & disarray of any kind (which makes me hard to live with) & I can get very upset if things are topsy turvy.

And I would never open my KIND bars upside down.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah, what is up with that?
I almost border on OCD with that stuff sometimes...

Also on my evening walk I sometimes take a "Lance Peanut Bar" (so good!)...

...and even though it's dark, I have to open the package ONLY at the top! It's GOT to be in the position so I can read it - so I check it under a street lamp before opening it to make sure it's right side up! It's the same at both ends so it would make absolutely no difference if I opened it at the bottom - but I won't! Why? What is wrong with me?
I’m definitely OCD in certain circumstances. It’s a matter of feeling safe in one’s routine especially during a pandemic. It’s something we can control. I have gotten worse during this past year. Breakfast must be going by 8 o’clock, not 8.30 a.m. & so on & so forth.

I’m upset that my favorite DUNKIN for some reason has temporarily closed. Upset even though there’s a DUNKIN at the end of my street. Every day I walk by the closed one hoping it has re-opened.

I hate disorder & disarray of any kind (which makes me hard to live with) & I can get very upset if things are topsy turvy.

And I would never open my KIND bars upside down.

You guys are all nuts!