The 2016 Mofies - The Categories


I never get openly dumped on? What? Which forum have you been on?
Oh really Vicky quote me where Sexy follows behind your posts and openly calls you names, and someone acts as his sock puppet repping him. Quote them. Let me save you the time, there arent any.

His minions? Because we're all a hive mind with him as leader. Or something. Only Citizen, Cici and I have posted lists of nominees so far. Some big conspiracy going on there.
Oh its not in thread how these things get altered, but the vote.

Also, Sexy neither created the Mofies nor chose the original categories (including Worst Thread and Most Controversial). That was Godoggo's doing. She started these and we've continued them in her absence.
Thats not the point, if theres a negative category thats what theyll target for the person is the point.

You all will learn.

Now Im supposed to leave the thread, if you have anything more to say to me on this then PM me. Thanks.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Like Vicky said, you've asked to be excused from the awards. So you have no business left here anymore.

If you have problems with me, or anyone else, PM us. Otherwise, get out.

Count me out from this please - any and all victories that would've come my way would only feel like hollow ones now if Yods is not included
*yes I do know nobody would vote for me for anything anyway

Trouble with a capital "T"
On a more positive note, our first final list has been sent in!
Yea, and everyone I voted for wants to be counted out.

Please count me in, vote for me as much as you would like

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Of course I won't hold it against anyone if they do want be exempt from being nominated, but please reconsider if you're thinking about it.
It is just a little bit of fun, and we need as many people willing go participate as possible if this is going to be somewhat valid and accurate, and just a success in general!

Now get working on your lists

Oh really Vicky quote me where Sexy follows behind your posts and openly calls you names, and someone acts as his sock puppet repping him. Quote them. Let me save you the time, there arent any.
Why is he so obsessed with me? I've had it with him. I don't even like feuding with him on the forum anymore. It used to be kind of fun, but now he takes hating on me so seriously that I don't feel any enjoyment. I don't even like writing this post and speaking of him. I wish something would be done because I'm sick of seeing TONGO going around everywhere, acting like I'm the worst person ever.

Well, he's said he's done with the thread
We'll see about that. He "walks back" more than Donald Trump.

So can I get something clear here -- I think I already know the answer -- but, you post your nominations in the thread, but you also need to PM your nominations to CiCi to make them official?

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Yeah, you can post them here and update it whenever you like etc. since I think most people will keep coming back to it and making changes, but only send it to me once you've made your final choices

And for the record I won't be paying any attention to people saying they don't want to be voted for anything. You can not participate by not sticking your head in to pay attention to whether you won anything. But I don't think people should be poking their heads in to make sure no one voted them for anything. That makes no sense to me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Zotis...You got nominated a couple of times for Worst Thread... BUT you stuck it out and didn't ask to be removed from the awards. That takes guts! Good for you.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
That's probably what I'd do as well, Zotis, so I definitely understand where you're coming from. But if they really don't want to be involved then it is their choice, and I'd rather respect it and not force people against their will to be a part of it if they really don't want to.

Despite saying this a thousand times as well, I'll say it again just coz yeah, please, please, please reconsider of you're thinking of dropping out. Like Zotis says, just don't drop by, you'll never have to know. You could win every award and not even be aware of it!
And I want this one to be as successful as the previous ones as well! We were even talking about themes and decorations (probably the wrong word, but hey ho) tonight! We're making some progress, but we'd like this to be accurate and valid as possible, and that won't be the case if you keep bailing on me

And I mean it, get working on your lists

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
And yeah, thanks Zotis for not dropping out!! I have to admit, I wasn't getting my hopes up when I saw you posted here. But I really do appreciate it! So thanks very much once again