Change the Movie Title Game


Monty Python's Meaning of Life of Brian

That's one I want to see!
Good one. Yes would be interesting. Are you serious. You have never heard of Geoffrey Rush (Shine, Pirates of the Caribbean)

Heard of, but I'm not exactly a P of the C fan.
Elizabeth, Quills.. Shakespeare In Love? Gets awards for most things he does.

anything but Zombies & vampires
Killer Klowns From Outer Mongolia
They actually made this movie had John Wayne as Genghis Khan

anything but Zombies & vampires
The Girl with the Dire Wolf Tattoo (GOT fans will get that one)

anything but Zombies & vampires
Who framed Bugs Bunny

anything but Zombies & vampires
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the last Crystal Ark of Doom.

anything but Zombies & vampires
False Truths

anything but Zombies & vampires
Star Wars Episode 1 : Phantom of the Opera