

Every reservation for planes, trains and automobiles I've got is emailing about this stoopid bug. You don't trust the CDC fine, you think the government are full of it, fine, I just wish people would stop listening to the click bait powered media.

There's a nice dose of real on Joe Rogan with Michael Osterholm - an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology.

Italy is full of old people.
Slight exaggeration. 25% of the population is 65+.

... in China because in rural areas it's common for pigs, ducks and people to be in close proximity to each other, which allows an existing avian flu to transmit to pigs and pigs are enough like human physiological that we then can catch the bird flu from them.
Not just rural areas. This whole mess (as I’ve posted before) started in the wet live animal markets that were all over China in the country & the cities. Cages piled 6 high filled with distressed & terrified animals. Many stolen pets & many endangered species of wildlife. Prime breeding grounds for disease. Bill Gates predicted a year ago that a pandemic would arise from these markets & he was right.

Also I hear countries over seas sometimes eat things god didnt create us to eat. Some tribal people in jungles eat bats monkeys and so on.
LOL. Not like us civilized folks who only eat pigs, sheep, cows, et al.

I'm all in with new beginnings.
You might get a new beginning if Portugal is affected as badly as Spain.

I believe Dr. Drew was referring to the U.S. population. Still, using his worst case figures, 60,000 deaths would average 164 per day.
Dr. Drew from 16 and Pregnant? Do people really give him credence?

As I said before, shut the world down for a month. Problem possibly solved.
IMO, this will last at least all of this year.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You ready? You look ready.
Slight exaggeration. 25% of the population is 65+.
Yup, that would definitely count as full of old people then. I underestimated their oldness. Old people like old things. I feel like that's the appeal of Italy: lots of **** older than you.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Yup, that would definitely count as full of old people then. I underestimated their oldness. Old people like old things. I feel like that's the appeal of Italy: lots of **** older than you.
Your math is completely off. If 25% are 65+, ergo 75% are not.

You ready? You look ready.
Your math is completely off. If 25% are 65+, ergo 75% are not.
That's because they're just practicing at being old. My math is solider than a Triscuit cracker.

Its quite clear to me by seeing how China reacts to this. Tells me they seem to have a lung illness weakness in the treatment. Because you see many asian countries have heavy mask wearers. I personally think Covid19 is some kind of weapon from some terrorist group but something in it allowed not just asians of chinese to be infected. Call it my silly Oliver Stone conspiracy theary. But North Korea would love illnesses to there enemies and that be just about anyone not them.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
And this is the same Dr. Drew who's CNN TV show Dr. Drew on Call was cancelled after he made false claims on a radio talk show that Hillary Clinton was gravely ill during the last presidential election.
I disagree with Dr. Drew about HC being gravely ill during the last presidential election. Hillary Clinton has always been gravely ill -- in the heart and in the head.

Slight exaggeration. 25% of the population is 65+.

Not just rural areas. This whole mess (as I’ve posted before) started in the wet live animal markets that were all over China in the country & the cities. Cages piled 6 high filled with distressed & terrified animals. Many stolen pets & many endangered species of wildlife. Prime breeding grounds for disease. Bill Gates predicted a year ago that a pandemic would arise from these markets & he was right.

LOL. Not like us civilized folks who only eat pigs, sheep, cows, et al.

You might get a new beginning if Portugal is affected as badly as Spain.

Dr. Drew from 16 and Pregnant? Do people really give him credence?

IMO, this will last at least all of this year.

Well God clear;y created Cows Pigs Chickens and Sheep for human consumption because they are in the bible. But Human beings will eat anything. And thus is why so many likely get sick.

That's a tad literal: he obviously means "full" as "a lot more than normal." I can say a vacation spot is "full of bugs" even if the majority of living things are not bugs.

It's not just about consumption of animals and birds.

When we are looking at wet markets in China or other developing countries, then the conditions actually give rise to more diseases than the actual eating part.

The way animals and birds are stored, or rather cramped in tiny cages. Several lay dead at times, and are not removed. They are left there. And ones alive are kept in a mixture of ****, blood and pus. This is a perfect environment for diseases to flourish.

Birds are the dirtiest carriers for things cause all the do is eat fly and poop.
This logically makes pilots the dirtiest humans. Stay away from pilots people!!!

Well God clear;y created Cows Pigs Chickens and Sheep for human consumption because they are in the bible.
Noah’s Ark was full of animals we don’t eat (e.g., elephants & zebras) & that’s in the Bible.

I can say a vacation spot is "full of bugs" even if the majority of living things are not bugs.
You might say this. I would not.

When we are looking at wet markets in China or other developing countries, then the conditions actually give rise to more diseases than the actual eating part. The way animals and birds are stored, or rather cramped in tiny cages. Several lay dead at times, and are not removed. They are left there. And ones alive are kept in a mixture of ****, blood and pus. This is a perfect environment for diseases to flourish.
Read my post again. I said the exact same thing as you. This is what I said: Cages piled 6 high filled with distressed & terrified animals. Many stolen pets & many endangered species of wildlife. Prime breeding grounds for disease.

Well I should say humans can have the chance to eat any animal. People in certain countries eat what there is for protein. Im by no way saying cows and pigs are safer. Just saying some animals shouldnt be eaten. Lots people eat birds but not all birds should be eaten. Sure an Osteridge has pretty big drumstick. But is it meant to be worlds biggest turkey.

I have no idea the purpose for Zebra other then for Lions to eat them Stirchley. Zebra and Gazelle seem to be African main food to hunt. Every contenant has some type of dear like animal. Zebra in a since are horses or donkey type animals and should be pack animals. But they are not used for that.

I just not a big supporter all things animal should be eaten. Nor am I a vegetarian. My feeling is animals have a purpose but not all were meant for food.