Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice


We've gone on holiday by mistake
Maybe it's all just a ruse to get the fanboys worked up.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
I know,it was just a suggestion.People wonder who could it be with CGI legs and Flash is not insane option.
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

If he was missing the bottom of his legs, you wouldn't see anything below the top of them. Let alone his suit pants AND the green pants covering the bottom part.

He has green covering the bottom half of his legs. You know who else had that?

So, again, who in the DC universe is missing the bottom half of their legs? Or is he the Flash and he's running really fast? Maybe?

who in the DC universe is missing the bottom half of their legs? Or is he the Flash and he's running really fast? Maybe?
I don't think anyone in the DC universe is missing the bottom half of their legs. But if he is The Flash, I am sure he runs extremely fast.

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I'm hoping the crocs make the final cut and wish they posted the pic of the guy popping out of the corner and scaring the $#!+ outta that guy.

Rumors behind Scoot Toot Hairy McNairy McToot playing The Flash may be false.

Recent pics of him with green "CGI possible" legs don't work with current Flash lore, as his legs are only green below the shin.

A new rumour is that he's actually playing Cyborg in yet another ethnicity swap within the Snyder-verse.

Perry White... now Black... Aquaman... now Black... a gender swap with Jimmy Olsen into Jenny Olsen in MOS... now Cyborg being a White guy in place of the Black Victor Stone we all know.

It'd make sense with Scooty McTootytoot Scooty having only his shins in Green Socks.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
-Khan-... I know that one
Ah,don't tell me,I'll try to solve it tomorrow. I have an idea...I'll send you message so we don't spoil it if someone else wants to solve it.

Is it wrong of me to want Superman to win?

Rumors behind Scoot Toot Hairy McNairy McToot playing The Flash may be false.

Recent pics of him with green "CGI possible" legs don't work with current Flash lore, as his legs are only green below the shin.
Maybe he's just jogging and they only have to CG his lower legs. It makes sense seeing as he's wearing a suit. Maybe the effect doesn't cover his entire legs.

In other words, stop destroying the only thing that would make this film exciting for me!

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
Is it wrong of me to want Superman to win?
After what he did to Metropolis in MOS? Yes.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

Is it wrong of me to want Superman to win?
If this movie is just about them fighting, then it will be over within the first couple of minutes:
Batman annoys superman, superman breaks his neck and goes away to make out with his girlfriend [The End]

If this movie is just about them fighting, then it will be over within the first couple of minutes:
Batman annoys superman, superman breaks his neck and goes away to make out with his girlfriend [The End]
Yes, or Batman, being the world's greatest detective and all, realizes Superman's weakness before they ever meet and he gasses Superman with a synthetic Kryptonian atmosphere and then proceeds to beat the holy hell out of him since he's a trained fighting machine and Superman is a near God who, in the words of Batman, never learned to fight because he uses his powers as a crutch (run on sentences are super fun!).

Either way, yeah, the movie is over in ten minutes.

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If this movie is just about them fighting, then it will be over within the first couple of minutes:
Batman annoys superman, superman breaks his neck and goes away to make out with his girlfriend [The End]
...or if it falls in line with any of the DC mythology, Batman beats dat @$$.