The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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A Separation is #8 on my ballot.
Amazing film, that scene where the son is washing his father is truly devastating, it really stuck in my mind.

The Cabin in the Woods....haven't seen it and I don't like modern horror.
For what it's worth, I would say it's equal parts fun and scary, if you're interested in that vibe.

A Separation was my number 8. It's one of the most realistic movies I've ever seen. Never seen Jojo Rabbit.

So, I'm still at a 50%. Seen 6/12.
Same here.

But maybe this forum is on the naughty list.
Maybe you could list those that finished in positions 441 - 458 for us ..... that would be 18 more movies and therefore should keep my fellow critter happy

Yeah, I like The Cabin In The Woods. It was my #16.

I have a well-known affinity for films that Go There, which is to say, which continue to follow some incredible premise all the way down the rabbit hole no matter how crazy they get. I like it when high-concept films really go for broke, and this one really does.

Does it engage in horror tropes that it's mocking? Well, yeah, and so does Scream. The best satires are not just parodies, not just send-ups: they have a love and understanding of the thing they're breaking down. It's the "nobody gets to insult my little brother but me" thing. Satire that doesn't kind of love the thing it's picking apart is empty and mean. The Cabin In The Woods does get to have it both ways, and I think that's the whole point. I'd maybe argue that's the point of most (all?) great satire.

It's also just really, genuinely funny at times. And I kind of love its message, which slots into the horror space in a way that makes you wonder why more films in the genre hadn't staked it out beforehand.

I can't even imagine how much I'd have enjoyed it if I DIDN'T already kinda have an idea of what the twist was going into it.

Maybe you could list those that finished in positions 441 - 458 for us ..... that would be 18 more movies and therefore should keep my fellow critter happy
It was hell breaking ties between 35+ movies, but consider this a Christmas present:

441. Fantasmas (1 ballot and 17 points)
442. Maze Runner: The Death Cure (1 ballot and 17 points)
443. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 2nd A's (1 ballot and 17 points)
444. 22 Jump Street (1 ballot and 17 points)
445. Darkest Hour (1 point and 17 ballots)
446. Songs My Brother Taught Me (1 ballot and 17 points)
447. Toy Story 4 (1 ballot and 17 points)
448. Knock Knock (1 ballot and 17 points)
449. My Life as a Zucchini (1 ballot and 17 points)
450. When Black Birds Fly (1 ballot and 17 points)
451. Sufjan Stevens: Carrie & Lowell Live (1 ballot and 17 points)
452. The Platform (1 ballot and 17 points)
453. Albert Nobbs (1 ballot and 17 points)
454. Indignation (1 ballot and 17 points)
455. Machete (1 ballot and 17 points)
456. Cedar Rapids (1 ballot and 17 points)
457. Paddleton (1 ballot and 17 points)
458. 13 Assassins (3 ballots and 16 points)

Anyways, of those 18, I've seen Darkest Hour and Toy Story 4. I didn't care for the former film, but I liked the latter film quite a bit.

I thought the overall concept for Cabin in the Woods was quite great, but for me the potential never seemed fulfilled and ultimately I just thought the movie was dumb, annoying and not at all clever or that entertaining.

As for The Artist, I actually loved it when I watched it back when it came out. I even bought it on Blu-ray… I’ve never watched it since though. I’ve been meaning to but in a way the movie doesn’t really have that “I can’t wait to watch it again” vibe. At least not off my memory.

I was the only one who voted for Knock Knock (2015). It was my #9. Consider this my 17 pointer.

Knock Knock stars Keanu Reeves and Ana de Armas. It is messed up movie. Id say it's psychological thriller. Nothing too graphic, though.

Here's promotional picture for Knock Knock:

It was hell breaking ties between 35+ movies, but consider this a Christmas present:
Whoops, sowwy - didn't really expect you to come up with the goods

I've only seen five or perhaps six of those - Maze Runner: The Death Cure, Darkest Hour, Knock Knock (definitely an improvement on the original - Death Game), My Life As A Zucchini and Machete for sure and probably also Miike's 13 Assassins though I've never rated it so can't be certain.

It was hell breaking ties between 35+ movies, but consider this a Christmas present:

441. Fantasmas (1 ballot and 17 points)
442. Maze Runner: The Death Cure (1 ballot and 17 points)
443. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 2nd A's (1 ballot and 17 points)
444. 22 Jump Street (1 ballot and 17 points)
445. Darkest Hour (1 point and 17 ballots)
446. Songs My Brother Taught Me (1 ballot and 17 points)
447. Toy Story 4 (1 ballot and 17 points)
448. Knock Knock (1 ballot and 17 points)
449. My Life as a Zucchini (1 ballot and 17 points)
450. When Black Birds Fly (1 ballot and 17 points)
451. Sufjan Stevens: Carrie & Lowell Live (1 ballot and 17 points)
452. The Platform (1 ballot and 17 points)
453. Albert Nobbs (1 ballot and 17 points)
454. Indignation (1 ballot and 17 points)
455. Machete (1 ballot and 17 points)
456. Cedar Rapids (1 ballot and 17 points)
457. Paddleton (1 ballot and 17 points)
458. 13 Assassins (3 ballots and 16 points)

Of those... I've actually only seen Songs my Brothers Taught Me. It was a late watch for this countdown, though one I've been meaning to do for a couple of years.
Considered it for a vote, but there's only so much space on the ballot.

The Platform, coincidentally, is on my watchlist for the coming months (I usually don't have Netflix, so catching up on stuff now).

I did not vote for Cabin in the Woods, but it is a film I've enjoyed over the multiple viewings I've had of it over the years, and am glad to see it make the list (if I did a top 100 for the decade, it'd be somewhere in there, I'm sure).

I saw The Artist in theaters. It was light and breezy. Enjoyable, yes. But quickly forgotten within a year.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I have seen,

88. The Cabin in the Woods (2012, Drew Goddard) 85 points

Quite enjoyed the premise of this though it has been a while since seeing this.

I do need to see 87. The Artist (2011, Michel Hazanavicius) 88 points

Movies Seen 6 out of 14 (42.86%)
1. Upper Fifty
2. Jojo Rabbit (2012) #89
3. Lower Thirty if at all
4. Will be a Surprise
5. Mid Pack
6. Mid Pack
7. Upper Fifty
8. Upper Fifty (hopefully)
9. Unlikely
10. Upper Twenty
11. Mid Pack
12. Probably Not
13. Upper Fifty
14. Upper Fifty
15. The Raid (2011) #100
16. Mid, maybe Upper Fifty
17. Mid Pack
18. Upper Fifty
19. Mid to Upper Pack
20. Lower Fifty
21. Hopefully Places
22. Lower Fifty
23. Mid Pack
24. Mid Pack or Higher
25. A Royal Affair (2012) (One Pointer)

One Pointers Seen 7 out of 35 (20%)[/quote]
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

I like The Cabin in the Woods enough. Had fun watching it. I remember seeing The Artist in theatres back during its run and really not liking it at all. One of those ones for me where everyone else seemed to love it and I thought they all must have gone crazy...or I did.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."