The Actor Screenshot Game


Lara Flynn Boyle in Red Rock West

Timothy Carhart in Working Girl
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Paul Sorvino in GoodFellas (1990)
"Well, it's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid" - Clint Eastwood as The Stranger, High Plains Drifter (1973)

"I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours" - Bob Dylan, Talkin' World War III Blues (1963)

"In the water I'm a very skinny lady"

Kurt Russell in Silkwood (1983)

A little more data, please?
too small?

That's Jack Elam in Kansas City Confidential, right?

It would be so nice if you would include the actor and movie name.

Lee Van Cleef in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
That is Jack Elam.

"In the water I'm a very skinny lady"
I don't think Jack Elam was in The Devil Wears Prada.

I don't think Jack Elam was in The Devil Wears Prada.
Well, you better get us back on track!
(Oops! I would have caught that except I wasn't sure who the image was at first!)

There's nothing like someone who doesn't know how to play completely derailing the game...

Not enough information. Include actor and movie title.

I think I guessed it correctly. Check it again...
sorry about that