Day 64: July 3rd, 2010
Rocky Balboa
Manages to right some wrongs with the series and gives a proper goodbye.
Rocky Balboa owns a restaurant called Adrians, named after his wife who has passed away. Touching, the love interest in his life, whom I never really did care for is now out of the picture. He's old now and lives his life telling old boxing stories to his customers. His son has the unfortunate task of living in his shadow, as everywhere Rocky goes people want his autograph. A computer puts a match between Rocky and Mason, the current undefeated heavyweight champion. This match gets people talking and encourages Rocky to come out of retirement for one last time.
Rocky Balboa is a perfect ending to the series and for the Rocky character. The film takes us back to that era when people were chanting that name and running up those stairs. The film feels like your sitting down with a bunch of friends and recounting the fun times you've had and places you've went. We know and love the character and it's sad to see him where he is today, with all his glory in the past. Much like when we look at our own past, our own glory days.
Balboa feels more gritty and real then the previous films. The fight isn't as heightened as III or IV. A little too real if you ask me. The climatic fight scene is short and no where near as suspenseful as one would hope for. I get it though, rocky is pass his prime and the film feels more real, this is evident in the fight. Rocky doesn't take a beating and he doesn't give a beating either. The Rocky films were set in an obtuse reality. Watch the Rocky vs Drago fight to see what I'm talking about. So to see the series end like this, seems like a radical change, but a truthful one at the same time.
Balboa packs the most emotion since the original Rocky film. The film isn't really about boxing, or overcoming great odds, or avenging the death of a friend. It's more about Rocky's life after his success. The fifth film failed at this, miserably. People will like this movie because it has the exact same feeling as the original. Films 2 through 5 had Rocky at the height of his fame. He was in his prime, had the title shot and defended the belt. Now, much like the original where he was a nobody, Rocky is too old and is considered a joke in the eye of the media.
Fans of the series will not be disappointed, I wasn't. Much like the title character, its audience has also grown older. We are right there with Rocky remembering the good old days with Adrian. Stallone is indeed getting older and it is more evident here than ever before. Here he shows some of that talent we saw in the original. Where did it go? It took 5 more films to come back.
The films so called villain, Mason Dixon, is no where near any other opponent Rocky has faced. With the likes of Apollo Creed, Thunderlips, Clubber Lang, Ivan Drago. Gixon and Tommy Gunn are almost interchangeable. The character has no qualities about him that make him stand out at all. Again, this can only be counted for the "reality" that this film is set in. If you want to see a Rocky film with a Million Dollar Baby undertone, Rocky Balboa is the film you want to see. If you walk in expecting unrealistic fights, vibrant colours and over the top villains, Rocky Balboa will disappoint.
The series was getting tiring and was considered dead. Balboa is the perfect revival and send off to it. Balboa features the classic training scenes and theme song and will give you goose bumps like the old days. Rocky and Stallone have finally let that beast out from within. Stallone can now feel content that the series has a proper ending and if you're the kind of person with an emotional heart, you may even shed a tear. I recommend Balboa for those who want one last match with the 'Italian Stallion'.