Old Movies


try watching double indemnity with Barbara stanwyck or mildred pierce with joan crawford
Double Indemnity makes noirs like Chinatown and The Maltese Falcon look amateurish. Good call!

I don't know, but I think that flawed movies become less and less forgivable with time.
The last movie I saw was Capricorn One (1977), and although it is a great piece of entertainment, I was a bit bored by the end of it. Same goes for Ghostbusters (1984) : I thought I'd have a good time watching it again, but I was really disappointed.

On the other hand, the really good movies stay good, and will remain watchble for centuries to come. I recently watched Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920) and it blew my mind. Same goes for Citizen Kane (1941).

I can't put an exact date on it, that would seem kind of stupid but I generally struggle with films before the 80's...

80's is my fav decade but that also seeps into the late 70's and early to mid 90's... film doesn't change overnight or at the end of every decade but nevertheless it does change over longer periods so I don't find it ridiculous (as somebody said) that people prefer certain eras and styles that went with the time because it has changed a lot and now we won't see as much change, I don't think when I am 80 I will struggle with new films as an 80 year old might today because they saw film in it's infancy and change so much

Before 1998? Damn, you are missing out on some good ones!
I agree. This issue seems to hang around this site a lot. And I respect people who hold that opinion. There are certain opinions i disagree with on this sight as well. But there are some real gems out there that you will never see if you place some arbitrary date limits on what you will watch or not watch. (And the answer is not to keep remaking old movies that were fantastic in the first place.)

Mark Kermode once did blog about this issue : what is old ? I can't seem to find the video, but the argument was something like : "an old movie is a movie you are too young to have seen in the theater".

For me, Dark Crystal is old, for example, and so is Top Gun.

In this regard, the date 1998 doesn't seem so arbitrary after all.
In my own land, I’m in a far domain
Welcomed gladly, and spurned by everyone

Is it just me or does anyone else find it hard to watch a movie that was made before the year 1998?
Shocking as it may seem, there are a whole bunch of really amazing movies that were made before 1998. You're going to be left in the dark about a whole lot of stuff that is discussed on this site if you restrict yourself to post 1998 films.