We're not going to need to group games by series either. One particular Pokemon seems to rule all the other Pokepeople.
All Your List Are Belong To Us: The MoFo Video Games Countdown
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When can we expect it to start?
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan
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Still shootin' for Monday. Whether it'll be more than a top 50, well, that'll need to be decided pretty soon. I reckon there'll be over individual 500 entries from 30-odd lists - I'm about half way through and have already listed 300 - but can't see much beyond a viable top 30 without massive amounts of ties.
User Lists
Are you saying Space Quest 2 isn't making the list...?
Sooo, what are people's predictions for a top five? I've got 10 more lists to add and the whole thing is actually looking pretty legit.
I'm proud of you all!
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We can do a top 50!
I've got the finished list hidden somewhere on the Deep Web - Buzzfeed would pay a fortune for it.
I've got the finished list hidden somewhere on the Deep Web - Buzzfeed would pay a fortune for it.
Favorite Movies
User Lists
We can do a top 50!
I've got the finished list hidden somewhere on the Deep Web - Buzzfeed would pay a fortune for it.
I've got the finished list hidden somewhere on the Deep Web - Buzzfeed would pay a fortune for it.
I honestly have no idea what the top 5 will be but I'll give it a shot:
1. Final Fantasy 7
2. Donkey Kong
3. Fallout 4
4. Pokemon Blue
5. Zelda: Ocarina of Time
User Lists
After this we're doing best theme tunes right?
If we do tiers reckon I can get this to joint 125th...
If we do tiers reckon I can get this to joint 125th...
User Lists
I think Super Mario 3 will reign supreme!
1. Super Mario 3
2. Final Fantasy 7
3. GtA 5
4. Halo 2
5. Shadows of Colussus
1. Super Mario 3
2. Final Fantasy 7
3. GtA 5
4. Halo 2
5. Shadows of Colussus
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1. Zelda: OOT
2. FF7
3. Half Life 2
4. SotC
5. Dark Souls
(I also really want to put an Elder Scrolls game there too, but I think the audience might be just divided enough)
I do think there'll be a lot of platform funneling though. So I wouldn't be surprised to see a near sweep by older console games (like 2 or 3 Mario titles, a couple Zelda, +FF7 or something) or a reversal of that and a near sweep of the top tier PC games (HL2, HL1, Deus Ex, a couple Elder Scrolls games).
I'm betting the "shock" of the list will be what games DON'T make it. Like a few games that we mutually agree should appear on a list, but it just happened that not many of us actually played it. Like a Starcraft:Broodwar, System Shock 2, Deus Ex type of game.
2. FF7
3. Half Life 2
4. SotC
5. Dark Souls
(I also really want to put an Elder Scrolls game there too, but I think the audience might be just divided enough)
I do think there'll be a lot of platform funneling though. So I wouldn't be surprised to see a near sweep by older console games (like 2 or 3 Mario titles, a couple Zelda, +FF7 or something) or a reversal of that and a near sweep of the top tier PC games (HL2, HL1, Deus Ex, a couple Elder Scrolls games).
I'm betting the "shock" of the list will be what games DON'T make it. Like a few games that we mutually agree should appear on a list, but it just happened that not many of us actually played it. Like a Starcraft:Broodwar, System Shock 2, Deus Ex type of game.
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I think I agree with Slappy's top two. I think there'll be a lot of shocks in the top 10, though.
I think Skyrim'll be pretty high up. Maybe Portal.
I think Skyrim'll be pretty high up. Maybe Portal.
Favorite Movies
I think Skyrim'll be pretty high up. Maybe Portal.
EDIT: Actually thinking about it, I think I forgot Half Life 2 too...
User Lists
You should post #50 instead!!!!
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