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Problem reordering lists


The former, no, but there is one via the latter: Lists -> New Custom List. Think it's in the breadcrumb from there.

It'll be linked in more places eventually when it's not in beta, but in beta I kinda want it to be a tiny bit of a chore to find until it's ready for prime time. When it's ready it'll all be front and center and impossible to miss, of course.

My lists aren't rearranging on my page.

My lists aren't rearranging on my page.
I'll need a few more specifics to debug. Which browser, mobile or desktop, what happens when you try, et cetera.

Probably better via PM or, at least, a separate thread in the Site Stuff forum. Whichever you prefer.

Without any information, shot in the dark, a common explanation would probably be browser plugins and/or browser security measures blocking the custom JavaScript. That ends up being the reason for bugs a very large portion of the time.

Note: I moved the posts into their own thread. Want to keep debugging to the Site Stuff forum or PM whenever possible.

Notice how they don't match.

Page to reorder lists:
This actually displays something different for each person: if I go to it, it shows me my lists, and if someone else goes to it, they see theirs. So I'll have to look on the backend to see what you mean and get back to you.


Okay, I see the problem. You've never submitted a list order, so this is just showing you some kind of default. If you hit "List Order" at the top of the page and move anything around on there, it'll save and display it in that order.


Okay, I see the problem. You've never submitted a list order, so this is just showing you some kind of default. If you hit "List Order" at the top of the page and move anything around on there, it'll save and display it in that order.

That's what I did. It didn't save.

That's what I did. It didn't save.
Can you elaborate on this? Is there an error? If so, what's it say? Does nothing at all happen? Stuff like that. And which browser would be helpful, as well.

Also, if you could check on this from earlier in the thread:
Without any information, shot in the dark, a common explanation would probably be browser plugins and/or browser security measures blocking the custom JavaScript. That ends up being the reason for bugs a very large portion of the time.

Can you elaborate on this? Is there an error? If so, what's it say? Does nothing at all happen? Stuff like that. And which browser would be helpful, as well.

Also, if you could check on this from earlier in the thread:
Without any information, shot in the dark, a common explanation would probably be browser plugins and/or browser security measures blocking the custom JavaScript. That ends up being the reason for bugs a very large portion of the time.

I'm on Mozilla, desktop, and all I know is that the list order on my profile page linked above doesn't match the list order of the list reordering page. I don't know how Javascript can keep the two from being seen as the same, as that's the kind of thing that could potentially affect all users and not just one with a security blocker.

I don't know how Javascript can keep the two from being seen as the same
It wouldn't, it would keep it from saving your list order in the first place, since it's done via JavaScript.

Try bringing up the List Order overlay and reordering it at all, even just one move. You should see a message at the top of the overlay indicating it was saved. That should do it.

Right now there's no list order entry in the database, indicating that none has been submitted. So either it never was, or it was and it didn't take. I can figure out which if you describe the process, IE: I try and nothing happens, I try and I get an error that says X, and so on.

It wouldn't, it would keep it from saving your list order in the first place, since it's done via JavaScript.

Try bringing up the List Order overlay and reordering it at all, even just one move. You should see a message at the top of the overlay indicating it was saved. That should do it.

Right now there's no list order entry in the database, indicating that none has been submitted. So either it never was, or it was and it didn't take. I can figure out which if you describe the process, IE: I try and nothing happens, I try and I get an error that says X, and so on.

It told me it updated, and yet, Sergio Leone Ranked is STILL at the top of my profile list when it should be completely different.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
@Yoda and @KeyserCorleone

Maybe this will help.

I tried reordering my custom lists.

It saved the new order when I went in through the "Lists" link at the top of the page, and then clicked on "New Custom List", and then clicked on "<- Back to Custom Lists", and it showed the lists in the correct order.

But if I go in through my Profile page, and click on "Lists" in the bottom section of the page, (above my favorite movies), and then click on "View All Custom Lists", the order is wrong.

Does that make sense?
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

@Yoda and @KeyserCorleone

Maybe this will help.

I tried reordering my custom lists.

It saved the new order when I went in through the "Lists" link at the top of the page, and then clicked on "New Custom List", and then clicked on "<- Back to Custom Lists", and it showed the lists in the correct order.

But if I go in through my Profile page, and click on "Lists" in the bottom section of the page, (above my favorite movies), and then click on "View All Custom Lists", the order is wrong.

Does that make sense?
And then I go back to my profile page to see if the lists are in the same order as the custom lists page, and they arent.

OK, it's working in the libks I posted now, but there's still ONE more problem:

If you go to my lists section, you can click "view all custom lists" and see them in the right order, but on my profile page they're still in a different order. At least the problem's half-resolved, but it's still weird.

Okay, last bit should be sorted. Let me know if you run into any other issues. Gracias.
Seems to be good. I rearranged a couple and reloaded my profile page to see if they changed and they did. Thanks.