Hello All!


It's probably about time I said hello in a proper fashion. I've been told it is customary around here, to start your own thread for introducing yourself. After having posted a bit, I think I like it here! Everyone seems quite pleasant and I'm sure I'll enjoy your forum.

While I do love many movies and various genres, there is a special place in my heart for those movies deemed "old" by the majority - the classics. Jimmy Stewart is my number one favourite actor and will likely remain so. From his well known Hitchcock movies, to the lesser known, I enjoy them all. Sadly I haven't seen all his films yet, but working on it!

Music listening is also a pastime of mine. Some favourite bands/artist include: The Band, Ronnie Wood, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Pink Floyd, Dougie MacLean, Nickelback and to top off this extreamly abridged list with a wild turn....Rob Zombie
"Whaddaya mean 'illiterate'?! My mother and father were married right here in the city hall!"
-After The Thin Man

Welcome S.S.

wheres the food?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
It's about time you filled one of these out. I did mine on my first day here. I can't find it to save my life, though. Don't I know you!?!
Yeah, OK, I'm leaving!

Who is this strange woman? hehehe

Thanks for the welcomes, all.

Originally Posted by Escape
Welcome stranger.
That would be, "Strangette"

Randomly visiting for now
Hey welcome Silver. You seem well-spoken, well you write in a very.....careful way. It would be really silly for me to guess your age judging by your music tastes and how you write because I could be way off and embarass myself. So how old are you? I'm Joel by the way. Welcome to MOFO!

I do like to write "carefully", a way of showing respect I think.

Hmm, my age. Nah, I'll be secretive about that for a bit. It's entertaining to hear peoples' guesses Thanks for the welcome, Joel.

Randomly visiting for now
Originally Posted by *~*SilverScreen*~*
It's entertaining to hear peoples' guesses
Really?? I've never heard that before. If I guess in real life i always get ridiculed, mostly by girls. I'm 19 you see. So If I guess a girl my age is 16 it's very bad and if I guess a girl my age is 26 it's very bad too!

It's cool that you write that way, because it is a way of showing respect. I totally agree. I too write carefully but not always with the best grammer or sophisticated language, reflecting my age. t'was nice to have met you, see you on the boards

Randomly visiting for now
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy
It's about time you filled one of these out. I did mine on my first day here. I can't find it to save my life, though. Don't I know you!?!
Yeah, OK, I'm leaving!
I tried to find it for you, but no luck . welcome!!

Originally Posted by SpoOkY
Really?? I've never heard that before. If I guess in real life i always get ridiculed, mostly by girls. I'm 19 you see. So If I guess a girl my age is 16 it's very bad and if I guess a girl my age is 26 it's very bad too!

It's cool that you write that way, because it is a way of showing respect. I totally agree. I too write carefully but not always with the best grammer or sophisticated language, reflecting my age. t'was nice to have met you, see you on the boards
Oh I generally have people guess. More often than not, they are wrong by quite a bit, in real life and online. I've learned to have fun with it!

So come now, take a guess. I do dare you

The People's Republic of Clogher
When a woman asks you to guess her age you'd better drop 3 years under what you actually think. Of course, they're expecting that so knock off another couple for luck. I've saved a few black eyes that way.

Don't think this approach works for teenagers though...

Anyway, welcome to MoFo!
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Put me in your pocket...
Welcome to the forums SilverScreen.
It's nice to see someone join that also enjoys the older classic movies. I love your avatar btw....Claudette Colbert is wonderful.

So tell us a little about yourself...where do you live?

Hmmm, you guys are takin' the safe way out, eh? Fine

Thanks, Aniko! Your avtar is fabulous. Katherine was/is definitely an icon and made some wonderful contributions to the film world. Claudette Colbert is another favorite of mine; I'll have to dissect her in the "dissect your favorite actor thread" (great idea for a thread too).

I reside in Michigan, USA

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by *~*SilverScreen*~*
Thanks, Aniko! Your avtar is fabulous. Katherine was/is definitely an icon and made some wonderful contributions to the film world. Claudette Colbert is another favorite of mine; I'll have to dissect her in the "dissect your favorite actor thread" (great idea for a thread too).

I reside in Michigan, USA
Your welcome SilverScreen...and thank you.

Dissecting Claudette Colbert...I can't wait to read what you write and what your favorite movies are of hers. I loved her in Midnight, The Palm Beach Story and It Happened One Night....and I'd love to hear other recommendations from you.

Hi Silver and welcome to MoFo.... Jimmy Stewart has always been a favorite of mine too...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)