Best Sequels


Theres alot of sequels out there which do you like?

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I don't like any of those.
Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
Scream 2 for me. It wasn't that great, but better than the others on the poll.
Jim Lewis
To BE or Not to BE, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Barium Enema
Crouching Tiger, Paint Your Wagon - Movies Without Nudity

Havn't seen them all, but I voted for "Scream 2", simply because out of the ones I had seen, I liked it a bit, and not so much the others. I doubt I'll like "Blair Witch 2" much, but we'll see.