juno 2!


Movie Forums Extra
fox searchlight has been discussing the later release of JUNO: IM PREGNANT!
thogh the films are still at the bo, we can tell... juno was released to an award winning comedy background by its friendship along with the director - if you are looking for any trailers, i usually have some i post on qss, but not right now - sorry..

Movie Forums Extra
Enough already. Is this something like the "I Love You" thread?
what do you mean already enough?
its on freaking wikipedia and google - i read it yesterday
look it up

My life isn't written very well.
He's actually right. There is a script available on e-bay called Juno 2 I'm pregnant again, However this should be taken with the tiniest grain of salt I'm sure.
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

News flash: anyone can edit Wikipedia. There's absolutely zero evidence to suggest that a sequel is even being discussed, much much less greenlit or written, and much less produced.

I'm closing this thread, removing the other nonsense threads about sequels to the Best Picture nominees, and taking away your ability to create new threads.

A bit of idle speculation as to possible sequels is all well and good, but trying to pass fabricated rumors off as anything more than a figment of your imagination isn't. I don't know what you get out of this, but sell your crazy some place else.