Name this movie: white guy becomes a fighting monk and in the end, fights his bully!


Trying to figure out the name of this movie, totally has me stumped. In the beginning, this bully beats up the main charactor. The main charactor basically joins in the shoalin temple and becomes a monk. He discovers that these monks have a group of excellent fighting monks. He goes through a bunch of training, and becomes a elite fighting monk. Most of the movie involves the training that he went through. I remember he has to get through this room where wooden objects attack him. In the end, the temple he is a part of enters a fighting competition, and the bully who beat him up at the beginning of the movie just happens to be at the event for fighting also. The bully keeps taunting him to fight even though he is just there to watch, since he considered to be a far greater warrior then anybody in this competition. Well, finally the bully gets what is coming, and the head monk allows our guy to kick his butt.
I will guess that this movie was made in the mid 80's to mid 90's. I watched it probably 10 years ago probably.
Anybody have an idea on this one? I can't figure this one out to save my life!
Thanks Chris

Karate Kid 4.5: Miagee gets laid?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

This doesn't fit your time period criteria but The 36th Chamber of Shaolin fits the 'most of the film involves the training he went through'. Anyway it's a film you should see so pop off and watch it, it's great!

This doesn't fit your time period criteria but The 36th Chamber of Shaolin fits the 'most of the film involves the training he went through'. Anyway it's a film you should see so pop off and watch it, it's great!
Thanks, looks like a good movie. Not the one I'm thinking of though. I'm not sure of the exact time period, I'm just guessing 80's

Karate Kid 4.5: Miagee gets laid?
Very much appreciated. Sounds like you could be close to a entering a new profession in producing for porn movies my friend.

Very much appreciated. Sounds like you could be close to a entering a new profession in producing for porn movies my friend.

Nah - it is not a porn film, laid= Laid out, by the Bully.

Nah - it is not a porn film, laid= Laid out, by the Bully.
LOL, a name like that may turn out to be a little misleading and a disappointment to the the typical attracted audience! haha

Christine- its been forever since I watched it, and I only watched it once but I am pretty confident that this was an english made film. Dubbed films drive me nuts so I beleive I would have remembered that.

Usually I can search the web and eventually figure out the name of a movie I am interested in within an hour or so, but this one I just cannot tackle!

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
It's a long stretch but Bullet Proof Monk...that's the only movie I know
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

The doors of wisdom are never shut. - 'Socrates'
That sounds like American Shaolin.
Did you know that BATMAN has a code word to ask SUPERMAN for help because he has trouble saying he needs help.
The word is Banana Muffin.

Cryptic got it:

That subtitle, "King of the Kickboxers II", doesn't really mean anything. Apparently it's the same director as King of the Kickboxers but has absolutely nothing to do with that movie: it was just slapped on there in the U.S. for video marketing purposes. The Test of the Chamber is the bit with the wooden dummies and such attacking him in near darkness.

HERE is the trailer on line, if you want to further jog your memory. It's one of those cheap-o VHS trailers that pretty much shows you the entire movie in a minute and a half.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

When I saw this thread title I assumed the creator's memory was a little muddled, because the exact opposite happens in Anger Management: a white guy (Adam Sandler) confronts his bully (John C. Reilly), but it's the bully that's become the monk. Hilarity, of course, ensues.

The doors of wisdom are never shut. - 'Socrates'
Jack Nicholson seemed to have a good time in the movie tormenting Sandlers character. The scene when Nicholson climbs into Sandlers bed and then saying "I like to sleep in the nude" the look on Sandlers face is pricless.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
That was John C. Reilly? Never noticed.

Hey, just saw this thread again. I was re-looking for this movie again today. Thanks, American shaolin: king of the kickboxer II is the movie I remembered.