Buttercup's Baby


reservoir dogs circa 1881
I am a fan of princess bride but have only just read the abridged version of morgensteins book by william goldman[who did the screenplay]apart from the book expanding scenes that were shortened for film it referenced a morgenstein sequel called "buttercups baby".The writer added in his notes that stephen king was doing the screenplay[this being several years ago]Although i dont think at present people are interested in this type of film i thought it might interest fans of the film.Although i am not a fan of sequels for sequels sake think how many films not only sequels will never see the light of day and we wont even know,who decides what should or should not be greenlit [rhetorical] surely with things like the internet in place and what happened on snakes on a plane we the viewers should have more of an imput?

From what I've heard, Buttercup's Baby was, at least at the time it was first mentioned, entirely fictional. Just a goof by the author. Goldman seems to have toyed with turning it into a reality, but said in an interview that he was having trouble writing it,

I am a fan of princess bride but have only just Read the abridged version of [Morgensterns] book by William Goldman [who did the screenplay] apart from the book expanding scenes that were shortened for film it referenced a [Morgenstern] sequel called "buttercups baby".The writer added in his notes that Stephen King was doing the screenplay[this being several years ago]Although I [don't] think at present people are interested in this type of film i thought it might interest fans of the film.Although i am not a fan of sequels for sequels sake think how many films not only sequels will never see the light of day and we wont even know,who decides what should or should not be greenlit [rhetorical] surely with things like the internet in place and what happened on snakes on a plane we the viewers should have more of an [input]?
There is no sequel. Heck, there is no book by S. Morgenstern and Stephen King was never involved with writing the made-up second book. It's all just William Goldman having fun. You aren't really that gullible, are you?

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

just to confuse everyone there is another book by s. morgenstern (william goldman) called the silent gondolier...every cute book and recommended...

i have buttercup's baby (in the back of the princess bride) everyone has the abridged version