Today is Tilda Swinton's Birthday


I saw her in Michael Clayton and Burn After Reading, and she is a very good actor. Well today is her birthday, and I just wanted to wish her a good one!

I am half agony, half hope.
I just saw the Tilda Swinton tribute last night at the AFI festival. I love her work, so when they asked some of the volunteers to go fill seats, I was thrilled. There was a Q&A session after a montage of her movies, and she was very interesting. She was a poet that stopped writing once she got to university. She earned her degree in political science, but got involved with the theater department and got interested in the artistry of drama. She is most proud of her films with Derek Jarman, I think, and certainly loves the artistic aspect of movies. Her interviewer says he sees her as part of the "production design", and she was grateful and said it suited her much more than being called an actress, and that she was going to add that title to her IMDB.

They screened her new film, Julia, after the interview and it was another excellent performance by Ms. Swinton.

If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise.

Johann von Goethe