Name That Movie


How to play:
One person says a quote from a movie. The person who guesses it right first, gets to have their turn.

Do not post a new movie quote if it is not your turn.
If you want to pass your turn, just say: I pass my turn.
When this happens, the person who last posted a quote continues.
If a quote isn't posted in the next 6 hours after guessing it correctly, the person that posted a quote before that person has their turn.
If the quote is not solved in the next 48 hours, anybody can post a new quote.

Do not cheat. This includes going to Google, Wiki, or ANY websites. This ruins the game for you and the other players as well.

If you would like a PM notification of a reply to your quote, PM me with the message: Notification.

I'll start.

"Persian cowards."

You want to post like me?
well anyway I'll lay down another quote in order this one to continue.

-"I do believe the Monsignor's finally got the point..."
- "Aye..."

Registered User
It's The Boondock Saints.

- "What is your greatest ambition in life?"
- "To become immortal... and then die."
You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.

You want to post like me?
that one was so hard I kinda think some googling was involved. Hell, I googled it but I wasn't going to post it :P... Well anyway Vertical Gunn you wanna post a new one?

Registered User
I disagree. This movie is not lacking in memorable quotes and I would dare to say that for most people the quote I choose is the most memorable of them all. This quote should have been quite easy for everyone who like classic French cinema.

You can read some of the movies other quotes here.