What Is This Movie?


I've been trying to find a movie that I saw a part of several years ago. I'd like to see the whole thing.

The basic story takes place in a seemingly 17th century New England Puritan Village. People that venture too far into the woods are savaged by some sort of monster that resembles a werewolf, or Bigfoot. One man attempts to discover the identity of the monster, and he finds out it is one of the Village Elders, who have been entrusted with a secret. In the meantime, a young girl has managed to elude the monster and make her way through the woods, coming to a wall. She scales the wall and winds up next to a modern highway, and is picked up by State Troopers. The village has existed in isolation from the 1700s into modern times with no contact with the outside world, and the Puritan culture is uncontaminated.

I cannot find the name of this movie anywhere. I would appreciate any help anyone could provide me with. It really was a very thought-provoking movie (my favorite kind).

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Definately "The Village" by M.Night.Shymalan despite the fact that I've not seen it.