Adam Sandler: opinions? why do so many people think he's no longer funny?


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Not Enough Time
I've seen a lot of flack about Adam Sandler on here, and I agree he's made some not-so-great movies in the past, oh, ever, but I think he's fairly consistent with comedy vs crap. My main example for his recent movie haters is Just Go With It, which I thought was a pretty good movie. Granted, I've never seen anything with Jennifer Aniston where she wasn't awesome, but still. Grown Ups wasn't bad (a bit overrated), and how can we forget Funny People? Anyway, I gotta stick up for him, as a major comedian from childhood til today. I can still remember hearing the radio ad for Billy Madison on the radio. Bil-ly-Mad-i-son. Pop-corn!
"so i turned away, because i didn't want to see. just like everybody else."

"If dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts"

My main issue with Sandler is that he himself is rarely funny in the movies I watch him in these days. He was funny in Happy Gilmore, he was funny in Billy Madison, he was funny in the Waterboy, he had a hilarious cameo in Dirty Work, he was funny in Airheads at times, and I even got a few yucks from Zohan.

But in other Sandler vehicles I have seen and liked, he himself is not funny in them. In The Longest Yard remake, the cast is full of much funnier characters and performances. He seemed to be more of the straight guy when compared to Chris Rock, Kevin Nash, The Great Kali, and Bob Sapp. Three of whom are not professional comedians. In I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, that movie was only funny when Ving Rhames and Dan Aykroyd were on screen. I did not laugh in Mr Deeds, I did not laugh in Big Daddy, and other movies of his released looked so bad I outright passed on him.

Personally, my favorite of his is Little Nicky. It borders on guilty pleasure status; while I don't feel guilty for liking it, the majority of people seem to hate this movie.
As far as what people consider to be his better movies, I found Hotel Transylvania and The Waterboy to be overrated. I don't know, they just didn't do anything for me.
Even though Zohan is one of the worst movies I've ever seen, I don't hate Adam Sandler at all. I'll give his movies a watch if they catch my interest.

I don't understand why some people like The Waterboy, really a terrible annoying film. Funny People is really bad too, along with a whole host of other stuff like Little Nicky and Zohan. I can stand Grown Ups, it's stupid but not annoying.
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Little Nicky I thought was okay. A one and done. My personal favorite is The Longest Yard, but for reasons other then it being a Sandler movie. I thought the cast was large and funny, you got Burt Reynolds back, you had some great casting for bad guys, you have a massive football game that is very well shot and choreographed, and Chris Berman is doing the play by play. Sandler was just in it.

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Not Enough Time
@Gunslinger - why does he have to be funny?

And I also just think its interesting how people vary on his movies (whether he produced them or just acted) so much. Some people hate this, but love that. Some hate that, but love this. It's just interesting. Anyone want to rate the movies of his they've seen?

1.Billy Madison
2.Happy Gilmore
3.Reign Over Me
4.Anger Management
5.Funny People
6.Punch Drunk Love
7.The Waterboy
9.The Longest Yard
10.Just Go With It
11.50 First Dates
12.Grown Ups
13.The Waterboy
14.Big Daddy
15.I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry
16.You Don't Mess With The Zohan

after that, I either haven't seen it or really don't like it
50 First Dates I may need to re-watch, I remember liking it when I saw it, but I also thought that about The Wedding Singer, and then I saw that recently and thought it was near awful

Also, in regards to The Longest Yard, if it's funny its a lot due to Sandler, because he was executive producer and a main character so probably had a lot of influence on the movie.

If he is staring in a comedy it helps to be funny. Name of the game. As for the Longest Yard, he was a executive producer, but his main character was not funny and was out shined by the rest of the cast.

I don't think I've ever seen an Adam Sandler performance I liked.

There's only so much toilet humour and disgustingly immoral jokes about the mentally handicapped I can put up with.
Every film he's made is basically a slightly upmarket version of Freddy Got Fingered.

The guy is abysmal... always has been, always will be.

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
I don't mind Adam Sandler. Although his movies suck now he did have some really funny movies a few years ago. From what I've seen.

1. Happy Gilmore
2. Big Daddy
3. WaterBoy
4. Mr Deeds
5. Billy Madison
6. Funny People
7. Little Nicky
8. Click
9. 50 first Dates
10. Grown ups

Actually, you're right... comparing Sandler's films to Freddy Got Fingered was completely wrong...

... it's a huge insult to Tom Green.

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
Dude, Sandler has made a lot of *****, but even his worst movies I have seen do not even compare to the mess that was Freddy Got Fingered. THAT was simply awful.
Haha, I still laughed at that movie tho.

I never watched Freddy Got Fingered all the way through, so I can't safely say that it was the worst movie I've ever seen. I just turned it off when the main guy started jacking off a horse. There was no rhyme or reason to that gag, it was just gross shock value for the sake of gross shock value.

DeeVeeDee's Avatar
Not Enough Time
I think we can all agree Freddy Got Fingered was one of the worst movies ever (next stop: that thread)

@Gunslinger: Not all his movies are comedic roles, mostly Punch Drunk Love and Reign Over Me. And you're right about it showing up twice I think it moved it from 13 to 7 , when I had the flash of him saying "that's high quality h2o"

@Rodent: That's harsh lol

I think we can all agree Freddy Got Fingered was one of the worst movies ever (next stop: that thread)

@Gunslinger: Not all his movies are comedic roles, mostly Punch Drunk Love and Reign Over Me. And you're right about it showing up twice I think it moved it from 13 to 7 , when I had the flash of him saying "that's high quality h2o"

@Rodent: That's harsh lol
granted I have not seen those movies. I can only comment on some of his so called comedies I did not laugh at. And yes, Freddy Got Fingered is one of the worst pieces of ***** to blight the cinema!

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
Noooo, I say we talk about Freddy Got Fingured. The backwards man, the backwards man, the backwards man.

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Not Enough Time
Speaking of Tom Green, there was one movie I liked his role in that's a halfway decent silly comedy - Stealing Harvard. It's with Jason Lee. Tom Green melts a huge brick of cheddar cheese in the microwave, which I found hilarious and great because its something I would do. Actually, I do do it sometimes, but usually with mozzarella, and its a small chunk.

Might sound weird but I have actually laughed at some of the skits in Freddy Got Fingered yet I can't even recall me having a single laugh, or even a slight smile for that matter, with a Sandler film.
I'm not trying to Troll here, I'm just being totally honest.

I cannot stand Adam Sandler at all.
As I said, if he's not cracking jokes about farts, piss, snot or poop he's making fun of people with a handicap or is actually acting handicapped to get giggles.