first, a brief history and backstory:
first, a brief history and backstory:
it began in 1957 when a real-life wacko named Ed Gein was arrested in his hometown of Plainfield, Wisconsin for murdering locals, robbing graves, engaging in cannibalism, and other absurd depravities. Ed Gain wore a necklace made of human lips, along with mammary (yea, boobs) and face masks made of real skin. he had a Puritan mother, dead for some time, who was said to be domineering. sentenced to life imprisonment in a mental hospital, therapists studying Ed theorized he was trying to make a 'woman suit' so he could pretend to be his dead mother. little did this guy know he was immortalizing himself. bc a struggling writer named Robert Bloch heard about his shameless exploits and wrote a book about it called Psycho. little did Robert Bloch know, his story would become a best-seller and get made into a film by Alfred Hitchcock in 1960. we're all familiar with the movie, we voted to induct it into the MoFo Hall of Fame. the Grandfather of Slashers
the time's come that i explore more of this horror sub-genre, bc aside from the major half-dozen or so that everyone is familiar with, i haven't hunted down the others... yet
welcome to the Vault, where i will review slasher movies in rounds of three. i will apply a fairly loose definition of slashers, so i can explore some Italian giallos and other films that are said to have inspired the genre. there promises to be plenty of blood, sex and general sleeze
Slashers, sometimes referred to as bodycount films or dead teenager movies, hit their Golden Age in Hollywood from 1978 through 1983. it got so ridiculous, that in 1983 over 60% of total Hollywood Box Office intake came from slasher movies. i will track down and review some of the lesser known titles, as well as gradually dealing out reviews
the time's come that i explore more of this horror sub-genre, bc aside from the major half-dozen or so that everyone is familiar with, i haven't hunted down the others... yet
welcome to the Vault, where i will review slasher movies in rounds of three. i will apply a fairly loose definition of slashers, so i can explore some Italian giallos and other films that are said to have inspired the genre. there promises to be plenty of blood, sex and general sleeze
Slashers, sometimes referred to as bodycount films or dead teenager movies, hit their Golden Age in Hollywood from 1978 through 1983. it got so ridiculous, that in 1983 over 60% of total Hollywood Box Office intake came from slasher movies. i will track down and review some of the lesser known titles, as well as gradually dealing out reviews
if your stomach gets queasy or you are faint of heart, turn back now.
for the others, join me in the Slash Vault
the first trio of blood-soaked adventures commences... NOW !
for the others, join me in the Slash Vault
the first trio of blood-soaked adventures commences... NOW !
Last edited by Nostromo87; 05-08-20 at 05:06 PM.