Teeter_Gs' Top 100 (Take 3)

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Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
Alright. Honestly, I didn't realize that everyone else was putting together their lists 3-4 months ago so that they could put out a new top whatever number list this month..... So here's the deal. I just looked back through my other top 100 lists, not great, this one might be a little better but I pretty much just do this to please myself anyway. LOL!

Anyway, I am going to do 5 films a day until I get to 50, 2 a day to 20 and then 1 a day after that. The ones that will have to be posted while I am on vacation in a few weeks will all be posted at once before I leave. Cause I'm going to the beach.

Edit: Grandma had a stroke 2 days before we were to leave for vacation. So, no more beach.

Girl, Interrupted
Red Dawn ('84)
The Skulls
The Call
Pitch Black
Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas
I am Number Four
The Purge
Basketball Diaries
The Stand
Cabin In The Woods
Oh Brother Where Art Thou?
Boiler Room
The Lost Boys
Mystic River
The Crow
Blade Runner
The Faculty
Full Metal Jacket
Green Lantern
There Will Be Blood
The Warriors
Natural Born Killers
Gran Torino
Runaway Jury
Black Hawk Down
Point Break
Matrix Trilogy
The Godfather Trilogy
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Fighter
Out of the Furnace
Kill Bill Collection
Law Abiding Citizen
Man of Steel
Iron Man
Titan A.E.

You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
100. Girl, Interrupted

This one probably comes as no surprise to anyone who looked at the last Top 100 I did. This one is still hanging on.

99. Cliffhanger

This one was barely edged out the last time. I brought it back around this time because I think of this as part of my childhood. It's also part of the reason that I am afraid of heights I think.

98. Red Dawn

The 1984 version of this film is the only one worth watching. I liked the new one, but I didn't think that it was nearly as good as the original. That tends to be the case though.

97. Heat

This is the first film on the list that I, probably, never would have watched if I hadn't gotten on this site. I had actually never heard of it.

96. The Skulls

This has been one of my favorites since I was in high school.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've only seen 2 so far on your list:
Girl, Interrupted, an excellent choice.

Red Dawn 1984, also a great choice. The 1984 version is heads above the newer version, IMO of course.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
i actually went in an off season as well. It rained and the waves were raging and spent a lot of time at a run down bar with a couple of pool tables a few blocks from the hotel when i wasn't watching the rough weather, which was actually pretty cool for some reason. Had a good time, met a lot of cool people away from the beach and a few that, like me, loved the bad weather and the huge crashing waves

+rep for Girl, Interrupted, Red Dawn and Heat. I'm including Heat despite not actually thinking it's that great. I love watching it, though. It looks great.

Keep em' coming, teeter.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Love Cliffhanger and Heat; they would probably be in around the same spot if I did another list.

I saw Red Dawn at the movies when it was out, but I can't remember it.

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
95. The Call

I was surprised to find out that this was a WWE Studios film. It is really well done and the ending is fantastic!

94. Pitch Black

This is the best of the series by far. We are introduced to Riddick the bad ass in this movie and we are not disappointed with the character.

93. Blade

Ah, Blade. This movie was a staple in my young movie watching life. The hero is good, the side kick is great and the bad guy is fantastic!

92. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Fear and Loathing isn't my typical movie type. I am not a huge fan of comedy and hardly ever watch it. This one is amazing!

91. I Am Number Four

This is a great take on alien stories. I really need to read the books. LOL!

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
My goal with these lists is always to try to get someone to watch some of the movies that I like that they may not have ever seen. If anyone watches anything that they haven't seen because it was on my list, then it was a success. (Even if it wasn't just because they saw it on my list. )