One Question? Ten Answers!


Not really creative right now for a proper title. The game is not simple I came up with a question about you and then people answer it. Before writting it down you have to write the number of your reply. When the 10th person replies, he/she also has to reply a question for the next 10 people.

For example:
tatmmw2: "Which is your favorite color?"
Randomguy_69: 69
tatmmw2: that's not a color
Randomguy_69: Oh, sorry. 1. White
xXxWhaleLoverxXx: 2 Green.
Some replies after
TheRealGodMother1: 10. Camo's blood color. Which is the last time you see an Adam Samdler/Sandler/Samndler/Sarmiento movie?

And like that! My question: How...damn I was 5 minutes staring at the Mac and I couldn't think in a better question.

Then: Which is your favorite color?

Originally Posted by person with a bad username
The game is simple
No it isn't. Go back to your Shoutbox.

I gave him rep, too, but not accidentally.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I'm sorry, Tattwo! Maybe someone will come in here to give this a try.

1.Camos blood colour
2. Magnolia <~ That is a color, you know?
3. Black

“Hell will hold no surprises for you.”
1.Camos blood colour
2. Magnolia <~ That is a color, you know?
3. Black
4. Royal Blue
5. Green
6. Purple
7. Claret
8. Army Green
9. Navy Blue

What's your favorite color?

1.Camos blood colour
2. Magnolia <~ That is a color, you know?
3. Black
4. Royal Blue
5. Green
6. Purple
7. Claret
8. Army Green
9. Navy Blue
10. Marine Blue


Who do you think is the most interesting person in the world?

Master of My Domain
Who do you think is the most interesting person in the world?

1. Tommy Wiseau

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Who do you think is the most interesting person in the world?

1. Tommy Wiseau
2. Angela Merkel
3. Jackie Chan
4. My three children, and if I can't do that, then of course it's Jack Carlson