Greetings...better late than never


I like to watch...

I'm not, technically speaking, a new member - I actually registered here last year and posted for a few weeks. Then work commitments and overseas travel and a whole heap of other boring things sidetracked me.

But I'm back and keen to shoot the breeze on flicks with you good people if you'll have me. My name is Lee and I'm an Aussie gal - 34 years old (positively in need of carbon dating compared to most of you kids methinks!!). I'm a feelance writer and run my own advertising/graphic design consultancy in Sydney. I enjoy a good giggle, a good bottle of red (or three) and obviously a good movie.

This seems a good friendly can I play if I promise not to reveal myself as Uday Mark II down the track?

Sorry but I couldn't resist! There does seem to be a little of the bizzarro going on here at the moment - I have been somewhat amused reading some of the threads of the past weeks !

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally posted by 21redd
I'm a feelance writer and run my own advertising/graphic design consultancy in Sydney.
Nice to meet you, 21redd!

Give me a job! Please?
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

I like to watch...
Give me a job! Please?
Hmm...lets see now Pidzilla...working for me requires some very precise skills:

You have to know how to make good coffee and lots of it.

You have to like long lunches at the pub.

You must have good taste in music (today one of the designers began playing a Dannii Minogue CD and I nearly had to sack her).

You must be very good at swearing at the Mac.


You have to agree with me a lot.

That about covers it.

Welcome 21redd...

Sometime I'd like to discuss running a business in Australia. I'm curious about laws/taxes etc and how all that works in countries other than the US.

Glad you're here...have fun.

Oh and try to ignore the 'bizarre' around here. That's just Yoda and his posse beating up on some unfortunate who is unable to protect himself (herself?)

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally posted by 21redd

Hmm...lets see now Pidzilla...working for me requires some very precise skills:

You have to know how to make good coffee and lots of it.
Ch-ch-check! *trembling from the coffee-rush*

You have to like long lunches at the pub.

You must have good taste in music (today one of the designers began playing a Dannii Minogue CD and I nearly had to sack her).
Check!! I'll compose a mixtape that will inspire you to create wonders at the office! Any particular genre??

(Tell me the next time and I'll fire that tramp for you...)

You must be very good at swearing at the Mac.
Check!! ****ING MAC!!!


You have to agree with me a lot.
Check!! YES, BOSS!!! *fingers crossed*

That about covers it.
OK... So I'm hired??

I like to watch...
Thanks Sir Toose! Your welcome is much appreciated.

Oh and try to ignore the 'bizarre' around here. That's just Yoda and his posse beating up on some unfortunate who is unable to protect himself (herself?)
As for Yoda and his posse - well I'm no officionado but as one of the few here probably old enough to have seen Star Wars in the cinema when it first came out...even I know the Jedi are wise and fair... they never gang up on anyone who hasn't taken off to the Dark Side

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally posted by 21redd
as one of the few here probably old enough to have seen Star Wars in the cinema when it first came out...
Oh, don't worry, 21redd! Toose is old enough to have seen the opening of Gone With the Wind! You're a baby (and a babe too probably) next to him!

Put me in your pocket...
Toosie old!? If he's old then I'm a fossil. young whipper're still young enough to be taken into the woodshed.

Welcome back to MoFo Lee.

What types of movies do you like to watch?

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally posted by Aniko
Toosie old!? If he's old then I'm a fossil. young whipper're still young enough to be taken into the woodshed.

Oooh. Kinky!

I like to watch...
OK... So I'm hired??
Well, so far so good.

I'll shortlist you...I run a class establishment my friend. We can't employ just anyone. You may be required to undergo some intense psychological testing before I can make any final decisions. If I find you to be utterly barking mad then you may be in with a chance.

Of course, the whole being on completely opposite sides of the planet may be a slight drawback...

Check!! I'll compose a mixtape that will inspire you to create wonders at the office! Any particular genre??
We love mix tapes. We constantly try to outdo each's like the advertising world's answer to Championship Vinyl (High Fidelity) in our office. No blond girly girls with belly buttons. No Boy Bands. They just incite ridicule. Otherwise anything we had a Strokes, White Stripes, Velvet Underground, New Order, Stone Roses vibe going. We were going for a New York punk meets Manchester New Wave hybrid sort of thing.

Yikes - it's midnight here. Must log off before I turn into a pumpkin!!! Great talking with you guys!!

I like to watch...
Welcome back to MoFo Lee.

What types of movies do you like to watch?
Thank you Ani (can I call you Ani? We Australians are by law compelled to shorten and abbreviate everyone's name. It's what we do!)

I love any well made movie really. If it has a good script, good direction and half way decent acting then I'm in. Not a huge fan of the smash 'em up blockbuster but I did see X-Men 2 yesterday and quite enjoyed it.

I love a good drama. I'm a sucker for a foreign film - a friend owns a great little arthouse cinema and I spend a lot of time there! I'm a big Scorsese fan, I love the Coen Brothers. I love the old B&Ws...Billy Wilder is a genius. I have a bit of a quirky sense of humour so anything that appeals to my sense of the ridiculous is always welcome.

Tonight I watched Polanski's Chinatown for the first time...that was a pretty damn good way to spend a few hours (Not to mention being long overdue! Geez, and I call myself a film fan!!!!).

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally posted by 21redd

Well, so far so good.

I'll shortlist you...I run a class establishment my friend. We can't employ just anyone. You may be required to undergo some intense psychological testing before I can make any final decisions. If I find you to be utterly barking mad then you may be in with a chance.

Fair enough??

Of course, the whole being on completely opposite sides of the planet may be a slight drawback...
Hey. As Paul McCartney sometimes put it: We can work it out...

We love mix tapes. We constantly try to outdo each's like the advertising world's answer to Championship Vinyl (High Fidelity) in our office. No blond girly girls with belly buttons. No Boy Bands. They just incite ridicule. Otherwise anything we had a Strokes, White Stripes, Velvet Underground, New Order, Stone Roses vibe going. We were going for a New York punk meets Manchester New Wave hybrid sort of thing.

Their debut album is one of the most important ones in my life!! I bought it when I was 15 and I still love every single song on it. It is one of the best albums ever made and I Wanna Be Adored is one of the best songs ever made, and that's written in stone.

I really like the other bands you mentioned too. True Faith with New Order is another "one of the best songs ever" just like Sweet Jane with VU, and Strokes and White Stripes are perhaps the only two bands worthy the hype surrounding all these newcomers nowadays.

You know what? You need a dj in your office - and, yes, I accept your offer! I take the job!

Yikes - it's midnight here. Must log off before I turn into a pumpkin!!! Great talking with you guys!!
Nighty night!!

My life isn't written very well.
Welcome back 21redd!

Congratulations on your successful career! Hope you visit us often, you know, just after your hot, young secretary brings in your fresh cup of coffee. What is that two sugar substitutes, and a smidge of lo-fat milk?
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

I like to watch...
Who me or Pidzilla? I was only telling you about my day job...

Hello. I like radiohead
Hello back at ya - I too like Radiohead. High and Dry is a classic. I shall go bung it in the CD player in your honour.

Congratulations on your successful career! Hope you visit us often, you know, just after your hot, young secretary brings in your fresh cup of coffee. What is that two sugar substitutes, and a smidge of lo-fat milk?
I don't know about successful - we sit in a studio bickering all day and talking about movies, music and arguing politics...the pressing topic of conversation yesterday was "Does Julia Roberts walk like a truck driver?"

Some work may get done from time to time if we are in the mood.

And as for the hot young secretary - ahhh - no unfortunately. We make our own coffee complete with loads of real sugar and full fat fact I'm off to brew a cup now...

I think I hear one of my dear employees sneaking in late - another seems to be embarking on a discussion about whether Cate Hudson's eyes are too far apart (I think I just heard the term Hammerhead Shark used...)

Ahh the joys - better get back to the grind!

Registered User
howz it goin aussie girl Lee

i'm in Sydney too - and a chick too ...and to prove it, i'm sitting here watching Big Brother 3 and laughing at how dumb (but adorable) Regina is (i love TV)

welcome...this is a good'll have a hoot looking forward to reading your posts
"So you take me for what I am...a psychopathic, schizophrenic, serial-killing, femme fatale?"

Oh, I apologize... of course I was referring to Piddzilla the Whore of Sweden for opening his overcoat and displaying his wares for all to see.

"Oh please give me a job, I am so very worthy, though I'm not a bit pithy as you may witness by the stunning lengths (albeit lacking of cogency) of my diatribes. "

So sorry, off on a tangent, forward in reverse walking the beam in quadratic minor.

Oh, lastly, fear not. I for one have seen the moon rise in the years prior to your birth as have LordSlaytan, Aniko and a few others.

As soon as I finish squashing Piddzilla under my bootheel I'll consult my list.

I like to watch...
howz it goin aussie girl Lee

i'm in Sydney too - and a chick too ...and to prove it, i'm sitting here watching Big Brother 3 and laughing at how dumb (but adorable) Regina is (i love TV)
It's going good mate (see the minute I knew you were a Sydney Girl I felt I could lapse into Aussie speak just like we were hangin' in town at the Darlo Bar!!)

Nice to "meet" you N7of9 (is that a Star Trek thing?)...and yes in my household we are right with you on the Big Brother Reggie thing. She is hilarious. We like the round house but we hate Ben - he must be evicted pronto...and whoever is dressing Gretel needs a bullet!