Kelly Marcel has written the script for the sequel to the Venom movie. However, original director Ruben Fleischer is not returning to direct due to a schedule conflict.
Replacing Flesicher is Andy Serkis, the CGI/Mo-Cap expert who directed the recent Mowgli film on Netflix. Serkis closed the deal today, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Tom Hardy is expected to return to the role of Eddie Brock and his symbiotic alter ego, Venom. Woody Harrelson is expected to return (from a mid-credit scene in the 1st film) as serial killer Cletus Kassady, who has merged with the symbiote known as Carnage.
Replacing Flesicher is Andy Serkis, the CGI/Mo-Cap expert who directed the recent Mowgli film on Netflix. Serkis closed the deal today, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Tom Hardy is expected to return to the role of Eddie Brock and his symbiotic alter ego, Venom. Woody Harrelson is expected to return (from a mid-credit scene in the 1st film) as serial killer Cletus Kassady, who has merged with the symbiote known as Carnage.