Nomadland (documentary)

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Overall, it started with bang, a very realistic looking trek that involves someone who's ambivalent about her homelessness and poverty. She visits camps with nomadic support groups with giant buses, who tell their genuine (?) stories.

However, the fun stops there. It becomes painfully obvious when our protagonist goes to speak with "her family" that it was just a cheesy reconstruction involving "brave spirits" and "bankers".

If you're looking to be fooled, try watching Howard's Mill (2021), the acting is a lot better, and the mystery has enough depth to it to keep you guessing before logging on to your browser.
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Overall, it started with bang, a very realistic looking trek that involves someone who's ambivalent about her homelessness and poverty. She visits camps with nomadic support groups with giant buses, who tell their genuine (?) stories.

However, the fun stops there. It becomes painfully obvious when our protagonist goes to speak with "her family" that it was just a cheesy reconstruction involving "brave spirits" and "bankers".

If you're looking to be fooled, try watching Howard's Mill (2021), the acting is a lot better, and the mystery has enough depth to it to keep you guessing before logging on to your browser.
Although a fan of documentaries, I have no desire to see this one, the reason being that to my taste I felt Nomadland itself would have worked better designed as a documentary. Much of it certainly felt like a documentary, especially in its direction and photography. Most of the drama was banal and not needing any particular acting prowess.

Come to think of it, a documentary about the film might be better than the film itself...

What one? It's the same film.
I mistakenly presumed the topic was concerning the documentary about the making of Nomadland, called Nomadland - See You Down the Road. It's on YouTube.

Still haven't watched the doc, but at 22 minutes it might have more appeal to me than did the movie..